We ask Allah to grant us and all the Muslims refuge from his fitnah. We said: About what aspect of theirs do you seek information? The Dajjal's death will occur after the angels turn him towards Ash-Sham away from the outskirts of Madinah. He replied: I am the Dajjal (Antichrist). This hadith is sahih Sahih al-Jami al-Saghir, no. 5- Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: as for the false messiah, he will be one-eyed, with a wide forehead and broad upper chest, and he will be hunchbacked (Narrated by Ahmad, no. He's definitely a person. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has taught his ummah about that which will protect them against the fitnah of the false messiah (al-Masih al-Dajjal). The Prophet saw the Dajjal in a dream and described his physical form. Then he (the believing man) will say, By Allah, I have never been more sure about you than I am today. The Dajjal will want to kill him but will not be permitted to. If you become confused about him, then remember that your Lord is not one-eyed. (Narrated by Abu Dawud, no. Questions cannot be asked through this form, Belief in the Last Day and the Signs of the Hour, Description of the Dajjal, and the ahadith narrated concerning him. No one will escape his fitnah except a few of the believers. One of Dajjals eyes being blind, and the letters K-F-R written between his eyes, which everyone would be able to read; 041.7009 Anas b. Malik reported that Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Dajjal is blind of one eye and there is written between his eyes the word Kafir. Imam Muslim narrated in his Sahih that Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The Dajjal will be one-eyed, blind in his left eye, and will have thick hair. 22572) narrated that Junadah ibn Umayyah al-Azdi said: I came to a man from among the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said to him, Tell me a hadith that you heard from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about the Dajjal. He mentioned the hadith, and said, He will stay among you for forty days, during which he will go to every place (on the earth) apart from four mosques: Masjid al-Haram (in Makkah), the mosque of Madinah, the (mosque of) Sinai and Masjid al-Aqsa.. Stop Calling Me Imam Mahdi, Video: I Am an Ordinary Muslim. He will have with him a paradise and a hell, but his hell will be a paradise and his paradise will be a hell. (Narrated by Muslim, no. We don't know which one but in the Prophets time someone was shipwrecked on that Island and we have a sahih hadith describing his arrival from those people. It said: I am al- Jassasa. let us die as shaheed in the path of Allah while fighting Dajjal The Muslims agree with me and the believers gather to wage a war against Dajjal and his group of disbelievers. Dajjal has a defected left eye. Subsequently causing a frightening sound to arise and upon hearing this Dajjal immediately faints and falls down. The Lord of you and I is one, Allah..the lord of all the worlds (of the worlds). Upon hearing this Dajjal becomes infuriated (irritated/aggitated) and changes his appearance into a very terrifying form which causes my body to shake and I couldnt muster up the courage to say anything. Thus, both his eyes are defective; one is defective by its blindness and flatness, and the other by its protrusion. Which one of us is that one (who will be taken to Paradise)?' There he is described as a plump, one-eyed man with a ruddy face and curling hair and the Arabic letters k-f-r (unbelief) on his forehead. Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid, Madeenah He said: That is better for them. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. The Prophet added. The flat eye is the one that is blind, as mentioned in the hadeeth narrated on the authority of Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him. A large stone next to me opens up and says Qasim! He said: Do not do that for Umm Sharik is a woman who is very frequently visited by guests and I do not like that your head may be uncovered or the cloth may be removed from your shank and the strangers may catch sight of them which you abhor. Both accounts are sahih. His chest will be wide but slightly sunken. Allah's Apostle told us a long narrative about Ad- Dajjal, and among the many things he mentioned, was his saying, "Ad- Dajjal will come and it will be forbidden for him to pass through the entrances of Medina. According to another report: Written between his eyes will be kaf fa ra. (Muslim, no. The Dajjal: Islam's Antichrist. By the same token, the believer will see with his insight evidence that the kafir will not see. Meaning of Dajjal: The Dajjal is referred to as al-Masih ad-Dajjal in Islam. 4067. Stop Calling Me Imam Mahdi, : , I Strongly Condemn the Blasphemous Sketches Made in France, Video: I Strongly Condemn the Blasphemous Sketches Made in France, : , The Salvation of the Muslim Ummah and Pakistan Is Only in the Elimination of Shirk, Video: The Salvation of the Muslim Ummah and Pakistan Is Only in the Elimination of Shirk, : , Why Does Muhammad Qasim Share His Dreams? He transmitted it to me from a man who was on one of the islands of the sea. His head is covered with curly hair with the letters "Ka" "Fa" "Ra'' written. When the Dajjal emerges, Muslims should keep far away from him, because of the confusion he will cause and the mighty wonders that he will have with him, which Allah will cause to happen at his hands in order to test mankind. After the great Malhama (WW3), the noor of Allah is filled throughout the earth and the Muslim ummah implements peace and justice upon the entire world, and this peace lasts close to a decade (for 7 years). The Dajjal will be a short man, pigeon-toed, with curly hair. Then he will come to another people and will call them, but they will reject him. A description of Dajjals defective right eye; 041.7005 Ibn Umar reported that Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) made a mention of Dajjal in the presence of the people and said: Allah is not one-eyed and behold that Dajjal is blind of the right eye and his eye would be like a floating grape. She said: Very well, if you like, I am prepared to do that, and he said to her: Well, do It and narrate that to me. Is it real he is one-eyed and word Kafara within his eyes that or can be other interpretation or meaning? We believe in whatever is stated in the Quran and the authentic Sunnah in this regard, and we refrain from discussing the matter beyond what has been revealed therein. We said: What is al-Jassasa? While the Ummah prepares for this trial, a few disbelievers await the arrival of the Dajjal, most of them being from the Yahood (Jews). Refer: Fathul Bari, Hadith: 7128 and Sharhun Nawawi 'ala Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 424 and Hadith: 7288. Fourth, he is one-eyed; some versions of the hadeeth described his eye as flat, meaning that it is flat compared to the other one. They said: Woe to you, who can you be? Dajjal's Hair He has a cruel face with dark brown skin. Hudhalfa reported that Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Dajjal is blind of left eye with thick hair and there would be a garden and fire with him and his fire would be a garden and his garden would be fire. Allah says to me that "Qasim! An unseen force. The Prophet mentioned many of his characteristics which are similar to those of normal human beings. Isa will go to him and kill him. [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim] Ubaadah ibn As-Saamit, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said, "He (the Antichrist) is a short man, bowlegged, woolly-haired, blind in one eye, and with a flat eye that is neither protruding nor deep-seated." I said: Well, I will do as you like. Dajjal, will be a man, not a woman. He will work false miracles, and most people will be deceived. The word Dajjal became a title given to the lying, one-eyed, false messiah. He said: Do the Arabs fight against him? And he (Dajjal) said: If I were to be permitted to set out I would have covered all the lands except Taiba. Dajjal has slight curly dark hairs and he bears close resemblance to a typical south Asian or Middle Eastern man. The wars with Dajjal cost the lives of hundreds of millions of people most of them being Muslims. As for Gog and Magog, they are two nations from the descendants of Adam. Help me! And then the word ALLAH descends from the sky, and then Allah causes the lightning to strike at the side of a mountain. I asked, Who is this? They said, The son of Maryam. Then I turned and saw a ruddy-complexioned man, well built, with curly hair, blind in his right eye, with his eye looking like a floating grape. Salaam my fellow siblings in faith! (Narrated by Muslim, no. Both versions were cited in Saheeh Muslim, and they are both authentic, as An-Nawawi stated in his book Sharh Saheeh Muslim and others. The Antichrist is short, hen-toed, woolly-haired, one-eyed, an eye-sightless, and neither protruding nor deep-seated. Run away from here and hide elsewhere, afterwards I will tell you what to do next and dont come in front of Dajjal as long as I command you." Dajjal ka huliya| End tak dekho| physical description of dajjal| #shorts#shorts #dajjalkafitna #islamicstatusAssalamu alaikum believers hope you like the . 5223), From the apparent meaning, this writing will be real, and the fact that some will see it whilst others will not, and that illiterate people will read it, is not problematic. And he said: You would soon come to know about me. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. He will land in some of the salty barren areas (outside) Medina; on that day the best man or one of the best men will come up to him . Go to that castle. From the reports quoted above, we may note that some of them describe his right eye as being blind or defective, and some describe his left eye as being blind or defective. He then said: Do you know why I had asked you to assemble? All of a sudden he found a woman who was trailing her hair. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) commanded us to recite the opening verses of Surat al-Kahf against the Dajjal. How Will WW3 Start? 4-Dajjal will emerge from Khorasan: It was narrated that Abu Bakr Siddiq said: "The Messenger of Allah () told us: 'Dajjal will emerge in a land in the east called Khorasan, and will be . I will not let you live today! I manage to traverse into a mountain terrain; Dajjal follows me there and continues his onslaught. The people of Allah, people who . The Dajjal is so called because he will conceal his kufr from the people by lying to them, deceiving them and confusing them. When Did He Has His First Dream? More descriptions of Dajjal's physical appearance; Sahih Muslim 041.7010 - Hudhalfa reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Dajjal is blind of left eye with thick hair and there would be a garden and fire with him and his fire would be a garden and his garden would be fire. 10- The Dajjal will not have any children, as stated in the hadith of Abu Said al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him), who described what happened between him and Ibn Sayyad, who said to him: Did you not hear the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say that he will have no children? Muslim Women/Girls would dress like men/boys, and we already see them today in markets, schools and on tv with trousers, jacket and, jeans, and women would be dressed and yet be naked, and . Analysis in the Light of Qur'an and Hadith, : , Meeting With Allah and the Last Prophet Muhammad , Video: Meeting With Allah and the Last Prophet Muhammad , : , Video: Allah and Muhammad in My Dreams, : ( ) ( ) , What Is Shirk? According to the hadith of Fatimah bint Qays (may Allah be pleased with her), the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said concerning the Dajjal: He will (emerge) from the direction of the Syrian sea or from the direction of the Yemeni sea No, rather from the east and he pointed towards the east. Then Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) brought (Tamim Dari) before the public and he narrated to them and said: That is Taiba and that is the Dajjal. Literal person, if it was not then Rasul-Allah SAW would have told us! When the Dajjal sees him, he will start to melt like salt melting in water, but Isa (peace be upon him) will say to him, I have some business with you, you will not get away from me. Then he will catch up with him and will kill him with his spear. They said: 'The son of Mary'. Among other descriptions of the Dajjal in the Hadith collections we find the following: The Dajjal can be heard all over the world at the same time. Dajjal promises the people a paradise on earth, to the men he promises women, wealth, property, and whatever their hearts desire. 5233) narrated that Abd-Allah ibn Amr (may Allah be pleased with them both) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The Dajjal will emerge among my ummah and will stay for forty Then Allah will send Isa ibn Maryam, who looks like Urwah ibn Masud, and he will pursue him and kill him., Imam Ahmad (no. They said that this word is applied both to the Truthful One [True Messiah, i.e., Isa (Jesus)] and to the misleading liar [the antichrist or Dajjal]. Dajjal's Physical description: The Dajjal is a young fat man, wheatish in complexion, with a broad chest and biting teeth. Of Dajjal having the letters K-F-R written between his eyes; 041.7008 Anas b. Malik reported that Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: There would be written three letters k. f. r., i. e. Kafir, between the eyes of the Dajjal. Those Who Will Reject the Dajjaal Will Lose their Wealth, Knowledgeable People Denying Gog and Magog, No hadeeth mentions the parents of the Antichrist, Gog and Magog are two tribes, not two men, Religions, Sects and Da'wah (Call to Islam), Jinaayaat (Criminology) and Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Politics and International Affairs, Medical Issues, Media, Culture and Means of Entertainment. But tell me who are you. So I shifted to that house, and when my period of waiting was over, I heard the voice of an announcer making an announcement that the prayer would be observed in the mosque (where) congregational prayer (is observed). They said: There is abundance of water in it. This is because Allah causes people to understand something when looking at it, as He wills and when He wills. Then he will call him, and the young man will come forward smiling, with his face shining. (narrated by Muslim, 5228), Al-Bukhari narrated from Abu Said al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) that this man whom the Dajjal will kill will be one of the best people, who will go out to the Dajjal from the city of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and will say to the Dajjal, I bear witness that you are the Dajjal of whom the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told us. The Dajjal will say (to the people): What do you think if I kill this man then bring him back to life, will you have any doubts? They will say, No. So he will kill him, then bring him back to life. He will have many attributes which were described in the ahadith to acquaint people with him and to warn them of his evil. On the other hand, the Dajjaal is not a nation nor a group or an instrument; it is a human being from the children of Aadam whom Allah Created like any other person. Dajjal has slight curly dark hairs and he bears close resemblance to a typical south Asian or Middle Eastern man. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger. He will be a tall and one-eyed young man. The Dajjal will appear on earth and will gain many followers, spreading his fitnah far and wide. We said to him: Yes, there is abundance of water in it and the inhabitants (of Medina) irrigate (land) with the help of it, He said: Inform me about the unlettered Prophet; what has he done? Another version reads, 'Rejoice, for there are two nations among you who would increase the number of any population' meaning that their number is so great that they will outnumber other peoples by far" [Al-Bidaayah wa An-Nihaayah], Given that they are human beings, they have the physical appearance of human beings, and there are no authentic ahaadeeth that indicate otherwise. Memorizing ayat from Surat al-Kahf. In this hadith the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Every kafir who will smell the fragrance of (Isa) will die, and his fragrance will reach as far as he will be able to see. white in the Arabic culture), curly hair, that he is blind in the right eye, and that his eye is like a floating grape. The rest of the hadith is the same. At this moment will occur the Second Coming of Christ. How Did it Begin? This was hard on them (the Companions of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), so they asked, 'O Messenger of Allah! All rights reserved. Regarding the physical description of the Dajjaal (Antichrist), the hadeeth underlined that he is a man with a huge body, red complexion (i.e. 14426). He will perish in Ash-Sham near the eastern door of Lud in Palestine, may Allah return it to the Muslims. Messiah son of Maryam and the false messiah (Dajjaal), The Dajjaal will enter every land except Makkah and Madeenah. I am an ordinary Pakistani citizen. Get ready to die. I then beseech Allah praying Ya Allah! The first version of the hadeeth describes his eye as resembling a floating grape. So I came to it and found a man who was trailing his hair, chained in iron collars, and leaping between Heaven and Earth. He is often described as having an odd complexion, thick hair, one blind eye, one deformed eye, and elongated physical features, as well as having three letters that mean 'deny' or 'reject' written on his forehead." 3 These physical descriptions of the Christian antichrist mentioned here by White are incorporated into the Islamic description of As for why they are not fighting each other, you should bear in mind that this matter belongs to the realm of the Unseen and that we do not know if they are at peace or at war with each other. He came out and said: The talk of Tamim ad-Dari detained me. Dajjal goes back and gloats to the Muslims that he has killed me. Dajjal is a huge, formidable (5), red-skinned (6), curly (7) person with a large neck and wide forehead (8). Admission of Muhammad Qasim Bin Abdul Karim in the School of, Allah's Most Beloved Servants! According to the hadith of Abu Bakr referred to above: He will be followed by people with faces like burnished shields. (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, no. You can search for fatwa through many choices. He (that chained person) said: Tell me about the date-palm trees of Baisan. 7564). I asked, 'who is this'. In the midst of battle, the Noor of Allah suddenly disappears from my index finger and then I say to myself that "Qasim! Written between his eyes will be Kaf fa ra (K-F-R), in separate (Arabic) letters, or kafir, with the letters joined. Dajjal [the Sick Man of Humanity] will talk of the Garden, and make it seem like the Fire. In my dreams, I was informed that the supernatural feats which we watch in movies and television would easily be performed by Dajjal. 1342) narrated from Abul-Darda that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Whoever memorizes ten ayat from the beginning of Surat al-Kahf will be protected from the Dajjal i.e., from his fitnah. There follow some of the ahadith narrated about the death of the Dajjal and his followers: When he (may Allah curse him) is killed, his great fitnah will come to an end. He said: You better shift now to the house of Umm Sharik, and Umm Sharik was a rich lady from amongst the Anqir. I (Fatima bint Qais) said: I preserved It In my mind (this narration from Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him). Have I not, told you an account (of the Dajjal) like this? He said: Do not do that for Umm Sharik is a woman who is very frequently visited by guests and I do not like that your head may be uncovered or the cloth may be removed from your shank and the strangers may catch sight of them which you abhor. He said: How did he deal with him? The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) once delayed the congregational night prayer. He said: I ask you whether these trees bear fruit or not. 'The man he resembled most is Ibn Qatan, a man from Banu (The children of) of Al-Mustaliq from the tribe of Khuzaa'ah. [Al-Bukhari], You can search for fatwa through many choices. She said: Very well, if you like, I am prepared to do that, and he said to her: Well, do It and narrate that to me. 5235). 1- The word Dajjal became a title given to the lying, one-eyed, false messiah. The word Dajjal is taken from the expression Dajjala al-baeer (he smeared the camel), referring to when they covered it with tar. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. 8- Another of his attributes was mentioned in the hadith of Fatimah bint Qays (may Allah be pleased with her), in the story of al-Jassasah, in which Tamim al-Dari (may Allah be pleased with him) said; So we rushed to the monastery, where we saw the most enormous man we had ever seen, fettered with the most chains we had ever seen. (Narrated by Muslim, no. Due to Allahs Noor, I was able to fight with Dajjal for quite some time, however Dajjal was extremely powerful. (Behold), I saw a reddish-white man with lank hair between two men, and water was dropping from his head. So, the fact that the Prophet described him of being one-eyed and of having letters written on his forefront between his eyes is enough evidence that he is a created person with the same physical characteristics as other persons. It was then that they first heard of Dajjal, the Dark Messiah. To the women Dajjal promises to beautify their appearance, make them more attractive, and grant them anything they desire. I have had the privilege of hearing the voice of Allah many times in my dreams and meeting the last Prophet Muhammad in many dreams. All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the worlds. They said: What is al-Jassasa? At that moment Dajjal approaches me while uttering Qasim! We ask Allah to keep us safe and sound. [Abu Daawood and Ahmad]. Due to this, billions of people join him in a matter of days. We said: Which aspect of it do you want to know? wiped; smooth or abraded, i.e., he will be blind or defective in one eye). Updates? He will be a young man with a ruddy complexion, short, with thick curly hair, a wide forehead, and broad upper chest, blind or defective (mamsuh) in the right eye. Al-Nawawi agreed with this reconciliation suggested by al-Qadi Iyad, and al-Qurtubi also approved of it. I said: No, they have obeyed him. Ibn Katheer said: "It is established that they (Gog and Magog) are from the descendants of Adam, and we know of no difference of opinion in this regard. 5209). His followers will flee, pursued by the Muslims, who will kill them, and trees and rocks will say, O Muslim, O slave of Allah, there is Jew behind me come and kill him! apart from the gharqad (box thorn), for it is one of the trees of the Jews. 2163. Discover (and save!) (10) Every believer, whether literate or illiterate, can read it. Regarding the physical description of the Dajjaal (Antichrist), the hadeeth underlined that he is a man with a huge body, red complexion (i.e. Some of the scholars sought to reconcile these reports. Then Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) brought (Tamim Dari) before the public and he narrated to them and said: That is Taiba and that is the Dajjal. As far as other places are concerned, he will enter them one after another. And it had been conveyed to me that Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) had said (about Usama): He who loves me should also love Usima. Al-Masiah Ad-Dajjal is right now chained up on an Island. Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (Arabic: , romanized: al-Mas ad-Dajjl , lit. Ibn Umar reported that Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) made a mention of Dajjal in the presence of the people and said: Allah is not one-eyed and behold that Dajjal is blind of the right eye and his eye would be like a floating grape. This is one of the special features of Surat al-Kahf. Dajjals height is about 6 feet and 1 or 2 inches. It is forbidden for the Dajjal to enter Makkah or Madinah when he emerges at the end of time, because of the sahih ahadith narrated to that effect. Among the ahadith narrated concerning this was the lengthy hadith narrated by Muslim from al-Nawwas ibn Saman, in which it says: Whoever among you sees him (the Dajjal), let him recite against him the opening verses of Surat al-Kahf. (Hadith 5228). He is clean shaved and bears a mole on his cheek. The scholars said that the reason why the Dajjal is called masih (a messiah) is because one of his eyes is mamsuh (lit. 5222), Muslim also narrated that Hudhayfah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: I know what the Dajjal will bring with him: he will have two rivers flowing. unbeliever) or the letters Kafir (the root of the Arabic verb disbelieve) written on his forehead, I heard Ibn Abbas saying, I did not hear this, but the Prophet said, If you want to see Abraham, then look at your companion (i.e. He has a cruel face with dark brown skin. Who? He appears to have wet black hair and he resembles a Middle Eastern person. Then, I turned my face to see another man with a huge body, red complexion and curly hair and blind in the right eye. Hadhrat Imraan son of Hussain relates that, "I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi . 2- The Dajjal (al-Masih al-Dajjal) is the liar who leads people astray, the messiah of misguidance who will tempt people by means of the signs that he is given, such as bringing down rain, reviving the earth to bring forth vegetation, and other miracles. For more, see the detailed answer. What is the Role of Eesa (peace be upon him)? Further, the type of defect of each eye thereafter is understood from these and other Hadiths, whereby one will be totally blind and the other protruding. When I became a widow, Abd al-Rahman b. Auf, one amongst the group of the Companions of Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him), sent me the proposal of marriage.
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