Actually, I was being a bit sarcastic. This is so far off what is anecdotally obvious to the average TV viewer, that it suggests erroneous data. The irony is that at the same time the majority of commercials has switched to 90% black actors, depicting black families living in multi-million dollar mansions, spouses buying each other luxury sports cars for Christmas, climbing Mount Everest, and flying all over the world on European vacations, Hollywood, politicians and the media still continues to debate the issue of how black Americans cant seem to find their way into a DMV without white assistance to get an ID to vote and dont have the money to pay for the ID card, and how its racist to even suggest we have a voter ID card like they have in other countries. Authenticity is often valued more highly than forced diversity. It reminds me of an episode on the series Community in which the college mascot wore a tan jumpsuit that covered it head to toe because of the hype about college mascots offending people we will soon have a neutral society, everyone will be light brown. I am really tired of seeing mainly blacks featured in TV ads! Yay, a 19th century painting, so at least white people DID exist! Im not watching and Im not buying. Be loud! When whites came to America the Indians had slaves, they killed other tribes and made slaves of the women and the young. We are in the TOWER OF BABEL! We the buying public are born with pretty good BS detectors. For a clue to your answer, check out the reader comments down this page. Great post, Kallock! I understand these ad people are maybe trying to achieve some kind of authenticity and will always try to protect themselves by claiming their ads are aspirational i.e. Not only that, but I see very few women who look like me. Reminds me of Hitler in the 1930s brainwashing the German population. Dont worry about opening up new segments, just focus on the market segments that do buy from you. In 2021, we will see marketing and advertising campaigns reflect a range of consumer diversity especially among apparel and consumer packaged goods. And in print ads, commercials, etc. Its because Europeans do not operate advertising agencies or movie studios. The culture is rife with this stuff now . (Quick experiment: Do a Google image search for white family and black family and see what you get.). Im attaching the link below, as it is a very enlightening read. ). The ridiculously engineered commercials with a majority of blacks in unrealistic situations is something the American people will ultimately reject at some point. I am truly sorry for what people of color had to endure throughout early American history but white people today had nothing to do with what happened 100, 200 years ago. Black men in commercials are all very handsome, tall, athletic, and competent. Last thing the diversity officer in major companies that must approve all advertising is root of the problem. I dont know about you, but I have no albatross around my neck. Walking into stores and walking out with shopping carts full of merchandise and doing smashing grabs at high-end jewelry stores and theyre always talking about how everybody trash talks them and they dont get any respect and they still blame Whitey for keeping them down. But when we all are forced to see people of every race, sex, and culture as equal (meaning the same), then we rob everyone of the traits and characteristics that make each of us stand out as unique and special. Yes embarrassingand since you say this Im guessing you are black. To your point, I turned on Netflix the other day and literally EVERY promotional image in the suggested movies list was filled with nonwhite faces. The reason they look so out of place is not because POC dont enjoy a good hike. Which we all know is no where close to being true! Highly insulting. The Oscars So White thing always makes me laugh the members of the Academy are complaining about the people they vote for. The healthy choice, I think, is to get off of social media. But, neither are other labels in society. As you can see from your anecdote, portrayals in commercials, let alone fictional comedy, are damaging as they affect and reinforce peoples formulation of stereotypes. They are also becoming the professionals on sitcoms, fire chief, head surgeon, police chief etc with whites reporting to them. I started to wonder why the vast majority of mixed relationships in ads were black male-white female and not the other way around. Maybe sell your TV and use the proceeds to buy some extra fuel and food (and alcohol!) I find the media, the big corps, anti-social media, etc., quite nauseating. Thanks for reading and taking the time to share your experiences and examples. Hey, dont get me wrong. Thanks for speaking up, Jake. Gawd, I am glad I am not the only one who is bothered by this (catalogs). A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry (2021) November 16, 2021. The only good Lia has done is prove without a doubt that males are stronger than females. White boys dont want anything to do with these girls. Its annoying to see so much over representation. There are a plethora of resources for the economically underprivileged to attain post-HS education in a trade, or in a college, etc. Im guessing you just watched Karate Kid? You are born with them and cannot change them no matter if one surgically destroys what they were born with, or hormones one takes. They just walk in during broad daylight and take the hell whatever shit they want!! If they can disenfranchise white people and make us feel demoralized and that America isnt our country any more, then it strengthens their hand. option. This is classic social engineering via Madison Ave. Its the ad agencies and the companies they represent that infuriate me, not any demographic of Americans. I can give you hundreds of examples of how demographics should work, but here are just a couple of them. I dont know where it ends, but I hate the globalists for their evil, greed, and corruption, and try to contribute as little to their profits as possible. Does anyone know if there is a list of products with ads featuring mixed race, LGBQT, or predominent black people? Can I interest you in a Jeremys razor? It is pathetic and I refuse to watch all of these commercials and online ads .. Remember, brands and advertisers: its not diverse or inclusive if it doesnt include everybody. Thighlander, I think you and I have been reading similar things and doing similar research. Messed around with Boolean operators for awhile, but Google had zero wisdom. To be honest, I feel more badly for any black people watching this crap. Black Rock? Todays brands and advertising agencies are very concerned about representation in TV commercials and most do have good intentions. I can assure you, you are not a racist. What to do? Witness The Daily Wire getting into the shaving razors business to combat woke Harrys and Gillette; the intense backlash against Disney for opposing Floridas Parental Rights in Education law, which prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity for students in kindergarten through third grade; and the huge 35% drop in the stock price of Netflix this week as more than 200,000 subscribers canceled their subscriptions. When I graduated and applied for jobs in corporate America, everyone wanted diversity (read: straight white males need not apply). 8. But the giveaways and removal of responsibilities took this motivation away from blacks, simply to secure their vote for the Marxist Democrats. Appreciate your thoughts, Robert. Omgggggg now the woke tards are picking on the NHL? They dont and they shouldnt. Criminally inclined blacks dont burgle anymore. When will America get the spine back and start saying no to these people????? I just want to know where are all these Black men that spend their days doing laundry, washing floors and cooking. Its reverse discrimination! . Just rather the observations of someone that knows more about marketing than most people. Predictably, no one commented. Of course they didnt. And as for all the black commercials that are being shoved down our throats all day??? I think the problem for most people comes when they perceive that brands and advertisers are purposefully using their commercials to push social and political agendas. I have no interest in tracking or counting these things, but when advertisers shove it in our faces to this extent, its impossible not to notice. It would be more realistic & more palatable if companies would use the actual or real percentages of interracial couples, races & genders instead of trying to make these things as absolutely above normal or actual numbers. Down with the old, white patriarchy! or something. The sad part is, as you said, seeing this absurd over-representation of black people day in and day out begins to do more than just annoy after a while. Ignore the diversity on tv, its a bunch of nonsense. What I resent is the corporations and the media with their money-motivated catering to what they decided we need and want or rather should need and want. Diversity Is the Future Its ridiculous. I am a former busboy for the same company where I am the CMO. but lets remember its not all of they. Nope, youre all wet, Anon. Not about racism at all. I guarantee that 90%+ of Lowes products are purchased by people that celebrate Christmas. I understand what my staff is going through; I dont have to conduct research studies. Im waiting to see when the Sound of Music turns black and Maria Von Trapp evokes a black rapper. But Google image search white family vs. black family and see what you get. News outlets? I do NOT watch any commercials anymore. We are not to pay for the sins of our fathers, and absolutely no one has done more to help lift the black community out of poverty. They did this by acting white, wearing white clothing styles, talking with a white dialect, and going to piano recitals. I hear you. Id like to blackball every company stuffing this crap down my throat but where would I go. I felt what was being offered was an insult to intelligent, thinking people. Thanks for your input. The inclusion of this new character caused the familiar cries of 'forced diversity' to be heard yet again. . 20 years from now, maybe it will be down to 30% white male. With respect to simple gender, 90%+ of print and television ads for gyms and exercise equipment feature women. Because all they want is welfare. Mine your data and do research before making assumptions and youll be authentic as it comes from your current customers. I would love to organize SHWM (Single Heterosexual White Males) because we are apparently unrepresented and as such are solely responsible for the oppression of all non-SHWM people!
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