Despite their differences in personality and both Eric's immaturity and true age, Linda is portrayed as having feelings for Erica which are mutual. Both Linda and Eric can also act independently as Doctor Fate, although they possess only half of their power.[44]. After defeating the demons, Jared is contacted by Nabu, who attempts to make Jared the new Doctor Fate. In tandem with Nabu's artifacts, he gains potent spell-casting capabilities and magical powers, making him among the most powerful sorcerers of his time and the most powerful incarnation of Doctor Fate. Tony's Pizza Inc in Lake Charles. (COMIC: TV Terrors), The Doctor's old Academy schoolmate Drax knew the Doctor as "Theta Sigma", which he informally shortened to "Thete". The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate and his wife Inza Nelson appear in the, Doctor Fate's helmet made a brief appearance in the, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears in, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears in series set in the, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears in the, Several incarnations of Doctor Fate appears in, While in possession of the Helmet of Fate, Team members, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears in the opening credits of, An original incarnation of Doctor Fate named, A variation of Kent Nelson / Doctor Fate appears in, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears as a, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears as a character summon in, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears as a playable character in, Doctor Fate appears as a support card in the iOS version of, The first Doctor Fate figure was released in 1985 as part of the second wave of Kenner's, Two Doctor Fate figures were released in April 2009 as part of the, This page was last edited on 4 March 2023, at 02:58. We use them to identify ourselves, connect with other users, and build relationships with each other. When Mrs Lawal sent her 11-year-old grand-daughter (names withheld) on an errand to deliver okro to a customer, she did not envisage that the girl would be ambushed not to talk of being raped.The fate that befell the grand-daughter on November 29, 2015, at Pure Water Bus Stop along Lagos-Badagry Road, was better imagined than experienced; she was found lying on a culvert unconscious, with . through a crack in reality, simultaneously broadcasting a Truth Field so that they could be sure that it was truly the Doctor responding to them. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion), The Eleventh Doctor told Clara Oswald that his original name was not important since he specifically chose the title of "Doctor" to take its place, saying it was "like a promise [one made]." Like other iterations of the helmet prior, Thoth's patron also granted a level of enhanced intellgience and spell-casting. Vlak voor de operatie vraagt Denny aan Izzie om met hem te trouwen. (TV: Twice Upon a Time), The Doctor did possess at least one doctorate. Yes it is free and unrestricted. A renegade Lord of Order who became disillusioned with the battles between the Lords of Chaos and Order, he teams up with another likeminded Lord of Chaos to end the conflict between the two by force, pitting him at odds with the Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate. Superheroes: Nicknames and Taglines Stats Can you name the superheroes (and villians) that belong to these famous and sometimes obscure nicknames and taglines? 80 backs by magdalena abakanowicz was deeply influenced by; whitefriars college newsletter Personality: Doctor Fate is very regal and righteous. (COMIC: Bringer of Darkness) Davros also referred to the Doctor as "the Destroyer of Worlds" after the Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor destroyed the New Dalek Empire on the Crucible. But many nicknames are traditionally used to replace a more formal name. Originally, the character was created as a love interest for Kent Nelson, the original character to have starred as Doctor Fate. (PROSE The Time Lord Letters), When the Doctor's final incarnation permanently died during the first battle of the War in Heaven, his coffin had two Greek letters on it; one of these was "Sigma". Occupation: Magic man. The name "Doctor Who" was used by or applied to the Doctor on a large number of occasions, with accounts varying on whether this seemed to be the time-traveller's actual name or at any rate a name they accepted and used for themselves or simply a placeholder applied to them by others for lack of knowledge of his real names. A Wiccan coven of magical practitioners whom offer their services to Hector Hall shortly after becoming Doctor Fate. Diana G Turano is a business operating in Fate, Texas, in the county of Rockwall. Welcome to the NicknameDB entry on doctor fate nicknames! (TV: The Time of the Doctor) Despite their hatred of the War Doctor's actions, (TV: The Name of the Doctor) both the tenth and eleventh incarnations admitted "[he] was the Doctor more than [any of them]." (, Doctor Funkenstein: When introducing himself to, Basil: The Doctor jokingly said this was his real name when questioning, Patient 89: The Doctor's number while waiting at, Special Agent Dan Dangerous from Scotland Yard: The Doctor made up this name when he first introduced himself to, Circe: Used by the Doctor while trying to infiltrate Missy's women-only social media chatroom. Considered among the most powerful of all the Lords of Chaos; adversary of Doctor Fates and other characters and teams, including Amethyst, Arion, and Legion of Superheroes. I wish I could say it was 'fate' that we found him, but I've never met him and after all the doctors we've went to he better actually be worth it. Soon after Kent and Inza became engaged and became closer than ever. In his first adventure, he fought and seemingly killed the sorcerer Wotan, who threatened him and Inza through a human agent. Eventually, he went onto meet other heroes and co-founded the superhero team The Justice Society of America. (TV: Thin Ice) The Ninth Doctor could also diagnose patients in a hospital ward, quickly deducing they all shared the injuries of a scar on the back of their hands, collapsed chest cavities, crushed rib cages and gas masks fused into the flesh on their faces, (TV: The Empty Child) and displayed extensive knowledge on nanogenes, such as their ability to repair organic matter and restore life as a mere "quirk of matter". (, The Doctor called himself "Agent John Smith, AKA the Doctor, of Scotland Yard" while investigating in, The Doctor introduced himself as Dr Smith, and Clara as his wife, to, Jean Valjean: Alias used by the Doctor to infiltrate, Roy Robins: Alias used while prolonging his death. Some companions felt this was not the Doctor's strongest suit, however. [76] The Tower holds a large collection of arcane texts within its personal library, including materials saved from the Great Library of Alexandria prior to its burning. Doctor Fate made occasional modern-day appearances in Infinity, Inc. in 1984, the same year which witnessed the 22nd and final annual Justice Society/Justice League team-up. Fate/Extra CCC - Foxtail. The dig took them to Mesopotamia where the two stumbled upon . (TV: The Pandorica Opens) River Song claimed and demonstrated on numerous occasions that she knew the Doctor's secret real name. All-Star Squadron, Justice Society of America, Justice League International, Black Lantern Corps, Magic, Immortality, Invulnerability, Telekinesis, Levitation, Telepathic, Flight, strength, Archaeology Expertise, Hand-to-Hand Combat Experience, Occult Expertise, Medicine. Later revisions to his history altered his relationship with Nabu, portraying him as an overbearing, controlling figure that manipulated a young Kent Nelson into being his agent while slowly supplanting his free will with his own. (TV: The Name of the Doctor), The Doctor's real name became important during the Siege of Trenzalore, as it was the signal chosen by the Time Lords to come back to the universe, broadcasting the question "Doctor Who?" She divorced Nelson upon learning of his infidelity with a younger woman. Fate's Equipment. One of the Lords of Chaos, Chaos would claim that his influence over his bearer was subtle and allowed free will due to believing the evil she fought being an opponent to the Lord of Chaos's objectives inherently along with amusement over the confusion of the Lords of Chaos fighting evil. The Magician: Because of what he was told about the TARDIS, Old-Man White-Hair: A nickname given to the First Doctor by, Sawbones: A nickname first given to the Doctor by the pirate, The Traveller from Beyond Time: The epithet given to the Doctor by the, Gaius Iunius Faber: "Iunius Faber" being the Latin equivalent of John Smith. Nabu would pity the child and train him in the ways of magic before making him Doctor Fate, an agent of the Lords of Order. (PROSE: Frayed) Other accounts implied that the Doctor's title had been chosen as a Gallifreyan custom, (TV: The Sound of Drums) and that he had been using it before he left Gallifrey. [14], Doctor Fate's origin was retold in DC Special Series #10, and Doctor Fate again teamed up with Superman in DC Comics Presents #23 (July 1980), and featured in a series of back-up stories running in The Flash from #306 (February 1982) to #313 (September 1982) written by Martin Pasko (aided by Steve Gerber from #310 to #313) and drawn by Keith Giffen. Altered by Nabu, Kent possesses a level of immortality, invulnerability, and telekinetic abilities on his own. Anubis most notably has enmity with the Khalid Nassour incarnation of Doctor Fate, as the pharaoh's blood running through his veins allows him to invoke power over him as he seeks to gain power and influence beyond his cosmic station and influence in wake of the weakening of his fellow Egyptian gods. (, Space Gandalf: When questioned by Amy as to what kind of person he's like, the Doctor answered that he was like a "Space Gandalf". The character would eventually be reworked into the next incarnation of Doctor Fate in JSA #33 (October, 1999). (TV: Flatline), The Doctor considered abandoning his name if he felt he had to do something highly immoral. (TV: The Mysterious Planet) When the Fifth Doctor was officially inducted as Lord President, he declared that it was "out of the question" for him to be introduced by his true name, stating that he would accept being introduced as "Lord President Doctor". Fate, in DC's newest film, Black Adam. Kent would begin a superhero career specializing in magic and was a founding member of the All-Star Squadron and Justice Society of America as well as bonded with his partner and eventual wife, Inza Cramer. [5] After a year with no background, his alter ego and origins were shown in More Fun Comics #67 (May 1941). [38] Khalid would also appear in several title crossovers such as Superman, Teen Titans Academy, and The Flash. At some point, she also pursued a doctorate in archaeology similarly to her husband. In 2007, a new incarnation of Doctor Fate, Kent V. Nelson, was created by Steve Gerber and Justiniano and serves as an attempt to revitalize the Doctor Fate character. Several years after the New 52 reboot, DC Comics introduced its latest and second-longest-running incarnation, Khalid Nassour, the grandnephew of Kent Nelson chosen by ancient Egyptian deities and archangels. Submit your nickname or copy the best name style from the list. (PROSE: Alien Bodies) It was often preceded by the title "Doctor", though not always for example, when he was undercover as a teacher at a school or a patient in a hospital. Long ago, Kent Nelson donned an ancient helmet and became Doctor Fate, defender of order in a universe dominated by chaos. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The Doctor found himself forced to impersonate an Earth delegate when the real delegate, Dandy: A nickname bestowed upon him by the, Thedoct>Orism: The Doctor's title as interpreted by the, Frilly Shirt: A nickname given to the Third Doctor by, A French variation, "Brigadier-General Jean Forgeron," was used by the Doctor when met by French soldiers in the labyrinth underneath, The Thedoctor: An interpretation of the Doctor's title when he was mistaken for a, ? An Atlantean demigod and a fellow Lord of Order whose one of the few to possess a physical body. (, Pendragon: Used when undercover as leader of the Triad organisation, Richard A. Fells: The Doctor used this name while posing as a prisoner in, Mr Ashcroft: The Doctor used this name to acquire recordings from, John Doe: The customary name in America for an unidentified. Soon after, Kent and his wife Inza pass away from old age when the magic they use to stay young fails. Moon: A descriptive name the Doctor gave himself after first examining his new face. (TV: The Name of the Doctor, World Enough and Time), The Doctor's real name has been said to be difficult to pronounce, for humans at least, (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion, AUDIO: Slipback) and certainly for adults, (TV: Twice Upon a Time) possessing thirty eight syllables. If you truly believe laughter is the best medicine, you'll want to book an appointment with any of these doctors immediately. The amulet's history was revised several times; in one story, the Amulet of Anubis was a powerful artifact forged by the Lords of Order at the dawn of time, being so powerful the Lords of Chaos formerly sought the artifact themselves. Kent Nelson was the first superhero in modern times to take on the name of Doctor Fate. Jared's injuries force him to use the cloak as a wrap for his right arm and to melt the helmet into a set of ankh-shaped darts and a dagger for use as weapons. When Dr. If you like a nickname, click the Heart icon (Love), this would add the nickname to a cart/basket. Eventually, the Helmet of Fate, seeking a new host, would choose him as the next incarnation of Doctor Fate. [23] Following Zero Hour, DC killed off both Kent and Inza and replaced them with a new character, Jared Stevens. (TV: A Girl's Best Friend, Invasion of the Bane) Clive Finch's website called him "Doctor Who". ), However, the Seventh Doctor would later claim that "Theta Sigma" was his "nickname at college" to the coincidentally-named Trevor Sigma. (TV: The Doctor Falls) The Thirteenth Doctor said that a "bit of adrenaline, dash of outrage and a hint of panic" helped her to remember she was the Doctor. [64], The grandnephew of Kent Nelson through his mother's side[64] and beginning as medical student,[3] Khalid Nassour is an Egyptian-American who was bestowed the Helmet of Fate and named the next Doctor Fate by the Egyptian goddess, Bastet. Share this page. The final issue was written by Beechen, Gail Simone, Mark Waid, and Mark Evanier, who each wrote a different ending to the story. (PROSE: Love and War) After being told of the title by the Ninth Doctor, (TV: The Parting of the Ways) Rose Tyler called the Tenth Doctor by the "Oncoming Storm" when she and Mickey Smith were being prepared for dissection by the Clockwork Droids. [76][71] The helm additionally possesses the power to trap entities within its separate world[77] and is both durable and capable of regenerating from damage. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation) or possibly, "Nice guy, if you're a biped". Their niece is Debby Niles, a New York police officer who befriends Inza. He used it as identification when renting the junkyard from its owner, He used it to check in at Ingersoll's tavern in, Doctor I. M. Foreman: The Doctor's application for, Benjamin Jackson: Used when he returned to the, Doctor Caligari: The Doctor used it when he arrived in, Snail / Wormhole: Given to him by his cousins of the. Stevens was introduced in a self-titled series called Fate, launched in the wake of Zero Hour in 1994. (, The Caretaker: Called as such by both staff and students of, Nosferatu: Called so by corrupt cops working for, The Cat in the Hat: Referred to as such by, The Eyebrows: A nickname given to him by Missy to differentiate the twelfth incarnation from the other Doctors. Both Khalid and Kent would simultaneously act as Doctor Fate, the former being his apprentice to prepare to fully inherit the role. (, Me with the ears: The Tenth Doctor called him this to address him directly. [52] During the Dark Nights: Death Metal storyline, Jared is briefly seen among the superheroes that were revived by Batman using a Black Lantern ring. Soon after defeating Wotan, Fate decided to use his powers to travel to the underworld to learn his fate. (, The Other: A title used by the Doctor to talk to a young, Proconsul: Alias used during his adventure at, Elias: An alias the Doctor used when introducing himself to, Doctor Schmidt: The name of an auditor from, Mr. While they don't identify themselves on screen, their names (at least in the comics) are . [49]After the New 52 reboot, Inza would make a minor appearance in a flashback, establishing her as Nelson's wife like the previous continuities. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War), According to Dorium Maldovar, the Silence had a particular interest in the Doctor's name. 12 also affectionately gets called "space granddad" for after he chills out a bit, especially in season 10. [48] Sometime later, the Nelsons and the JSA face the supervillain Extant during Parallax's attempt to change the history of the universe. In 1942, Kent loses the helmet, but retains some magical powers and later becomes a physician. Their joint act as Doctor Fate is considered to be among the most powerful mystical beings on Earth although they lacked knowledge compared to their predecessor. Throughout their travels in time and space, the Doctor took on and was called by a number of different aliases, titles and names. By many accounts, the Doctor considered this title to be their real name. Linda is killed soon after by the Lords of Chaos. An elderly woman who was born over a century ago, acting as a host to the Egyptian entity known as T'giian, a Lord of Kemet. 1 Kent Nelson Rescued The Spectre At Great Personal Risk. During this period, Inza Cramer's name as such was amended. A criminal who established the "Carnival of Crime". Though that timeline was aborted, leaving her with no memory of it, (TV: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS) she later began to recall certain moments of the timeline, (TV: The Name of the Doctor) and claimed to know the Doctor's name when bluffing to the Cybermen about being the Doctor. Is this Doctor Name Generator free to use? (TV: The Name of the Doctor), Missy claimed to know the Doctor's real name from their time together on Gallifrey. In the times of the Young Justice, he was kidnapped and Red sent them to rescue him and in the fight Kid Flash puts on the helmet and saves the day but Kent passes away and his conscious lives in the helmet for a few months. [25][72] Divine sources can also disrupt the abilities bestowed to Doctor Fate's incarnations, such their healing abilities. In 1920, a young Kent Nelson accompanied his archaeologist father Sven on an expedition to the Valley of Ur in Mesapotamia. (PROSE: K9 and the Beasts of Vega, etc.) No common suggestions yet, scroll down for more ideas. Leonidas "Leo" Valdez was born in Houston, Texas . Below are some tips to choose a good nickname. However, this leaves a host vulnerable to Nabu, who can also usurp control of his bearer's will and body by force. When he arrived in the United States, he began a career fighting crime and supernatural evil as Doctor Fate. The registered business location is at 205 Grant Dr, Fate, TX 75189-4388. The woman would eventually learn how to transfer her soul into other bodies and took the name "Wotan", adopting the Germanic and Norse mythology despite having no association of it. Only those with the right knowledge, talent, and willpower can truly claim . Chapter 114 . 1.1K views, 59 likes, 7 loves, 2 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from : #__. The child of the Babylonian god of war (implied to be. In All-Star Squadron #27-28, by Roy Thomas and Richard Howell, Doctor Fate used the full power of Nabu's helmet to find The Spectre, a powerful spirit under the thrall of his foe, Kulak. (TV: The Wedding of River Song), The Doctor was at a later time forced to go to Trenzalore to rescue his friends from the Great Intelligence, which sought to gain access to the Doctor's tomb. (TV: Journey's End). (, Doctor Doctor: Inadvertently introduced as such when talking to Doctor, Dr Jack-of-the-Moon: This was a term meaning those who concentrated on high-minded things at the expense of the normal world. Soon, Linda herself was subjected to abuse at his hands but endured it for Eric, whom she found herself having a strange fascination with. Abilities. I have been reading Robert Harris' Cicero trilogy with great enjoyment. However, many years later, Kent decided to return to action after a premonition . Individuals with knowledge of the Doctor's name. . Popularity: very popular. The author attempts a cultural analysis of this diversity by presenting a brief but fascinating exposition of the Oriental, Spanish, mystical, and Arab~Berber elements of these communities, and an account of their reactions to modern trends and influences. .`>> doctor fate <<`.. For example, in Lustrum (the book that I'm currently reading), Cicero's consular colleague in 63 BC is named "Caius Antonius Hybrida". Writer Gardner Fox and artist Howard Sherman create Doctor Fate in 1940. [40] He also possesses profound knowledge in the mystic arts, is a certified archaeologist & physician (the latter in some continuities), holding a doctorate degree in both.[41][42]. (TV: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS), Even when put on trial by the Time Lords, they were only referred to as "the Doctor", (TV: The War Games) although the Valeyard, a culmination of the Doctor's darker side who prosecuted the second trial, acknowledged that this was an alias. Nassour would eventually permanently become the new Doctor Fate instead of Kent Nelson in the "Lords of Order" storyline. He would distance himself from Laryn for years after his divorce from Marisa, something he regretted. He was created by the duo of Gardner Fox and Howard Sherman. Kent opened the tomb of the ancient Egyptian wizard Nabu, releasing a poisonous gas which killed his father. (TV: The Sound of Drums) River Song was aware of this contradiction in the Doctor's behaviour: she said that the Doctor was the first to have this title and that the rest of the universe later adopted it, usually to mean "healer" or "wise man". The character would become a member of the Justice Society of America, struggling with upholding the legacy of spell-casters with his initial lack of magical expertise. He appeared in Superman TAS, Young Justice, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, and Batman: Brave and the Bold. Khalid's childhood best friend and an activist with goals of protesting against wrongdoings from people in Middle Eastern countries despite her family frowning upon her activities. However, Mary would learn that despite T'giian's insistence, her will was powerful enough to override T'giian, giving her powers. et al. (PROSE: Teach Yourself Ballroom Dancing), The Eighth Doctor's companion, Sam Jones, overheard his real name being said. (, The Living Death: One of the names awarded to the War Doctor by the Daleks. (PROSE: Doctor Who Discovers The Conquerors), The TARDIS-Keeper on Gallifrey also knew the Doctor as "Who". In 1928 Kent Nelson was born to Celestine Babcock-Nelson, a spiritualist and Sven Nelson, an archaeologist. Fate has a long running theme of using the Egyptian ankh. (TV: The Time of the Doctor), After meeting his twelfth incarnation, the First Doctor was confronted by the mysterious Testimony Foundation, who claimed that the Doctor was the "Doctor of War". (TV: The Armageddon Factor), Some accounts treated "Theta Sigma" as the Doctor's actual, proper name as far as Gallifrey was concerned; for example, some Gallifreyan records noted that K9 Mark I had formerly been a companion to "the Time Lord Theta Sigma". The catch is that Doctor Fate was never more than a background character for DC before Doctor Strange was created.
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