Reviews by Gary North and others in Rushdoonys movement praised Schlossbergs book for its presentation of Christian Reconstructionist ideas. 2007 5,500 Support Activities:US$ 185,251,000 (2020)[2]. 2005 6,000 (see:, 2009 400 In was in some ways an unlikely pick for Colson, because Cromartie had been a conscientious objector to the Vietnam War while Colson, during his time in the Nixon presidential administration, had as one of his dirty tricks operations arranged for union operatives from the AFL/CIO to savagely attack and beat with steel reinforcement bars protesters at a Manhattan anti-Vietnam war rally (an incident known as the Hard Hat Riot.). 2007 5,200 Posted on . 2004 2,200 2007 11,500 2007 15,000 According to Bethel Sozo, Sozo ministry is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry aimed to get to the root of things hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Gothard insisted that divorce be prohibited under any and all circumstances so, the deal, potentially very lucrative for both parties, fell apart. Top Christian Reconstructionists such as R.J. Rushdoony (widely considered the movements founder) have advocated imposing capital punishment (via such biblical methods of execution as stoning, crucifixion or burning at the stake) for violations of mosaic law such as adultery, homosexuality, female un-chastity (sex before marriage), witchcraft, idolatry, and blasphemy. Eldredges paean to manly aggression has been unexpectedly popular among the former head of the ultra-violent Mexican drug cartels La Familia Michoacana and its successor the Knights Templar, which established their fearsome reputation by committing mass decapitations. In 2005, Julius Oyet who has held top leadership roles in Ugandas two born-again umbrella associations traveled to Ed Silvosos yearly Nation transformation conference near Buenos Aires, Argentina. A February 20, 2014 op-ed run on the Alabama Policy Institute website states (see: Many critics doubted journalist Sharlets dark depictions of The Family a subject especially hard to research given that it functions through informal relational networks and because, following publication of Sharlets first book on The Family, the Billy Graham center restricted access to its extensive archive of Family-related documents that had formed the research backbone of Sharlets book. 2002 11,000 (Eternal Perspectives) 2006 90,500 In an October 2013 broadcast, Robertson likened transgender people to castrated horses (see: 2013 0, Christian Anti Defamation Commission (EIN 65-0962138). What makes marriage to children, multiple parties, deceased individuals, or animals wrong?(p. 172), 2001 83,500 2012 885,955 2001 21,000 World religions have done the same with the systematic indoctrination of their youngeven the Taliban places great emphasis on recruiting children. 2009 600 Ethics and Public Policy Center To learn more about sponsoring a child, visit National Organization For Marriage Tjey are pain-management coping mechanisms. Summit Ministries With sponsorship numbers north of 3.2 million (World Vision) and 1.6 million (Compassion), the ministries are the heavyweights in a . 2002 5,000 Theocratic libertarianism has become a foundational philosophy for some of the Religious Right, but it is also surprisingly seductive to Tea Partiers and young people, some of whom may not fully understand what is supposed to happen after the federal government is stripped of its regulatory powers. (see: 2007 0 2002 5,000 2010 86,500 2013 65,850 (Bethel Church, no EIN provided), California Family Council (EIN 16-1667739). Media Research Center 2004 1,200 The ex-gay New Hope Ministries is run by Frank Worthen, one of the original board members of Exodus International North America when it was founded in 1976. 2006 37,500 2006 14,000 2008 4,500 2005 157,700 2011 320,951 (EIN 65-496702) Truth In Action is the working name of Coral Ridge Ministries Media, Inc. As chronicled by RightWingWatch, in 2012, the same year that Truth In Action was funded by the National Christian Foundation, the ministry showcased activists who likened homosexuality to slavery and called for its criminalization. 2003 20,000 Phillips referred to R.J. Rushdoony as his spiritual mentor. That state department position went to future E&PPC president Elliott Abrams (who took the E&PPC helm in 1996). Iowa Family Policy Center "[19][21], Through 2015, Compassion International had received Charity Navigator's highest rating for 15 consecutive years, thereby receiving special recognition on their "10 Charities with the Most Consecutive 4-Star Ratings" list. However, once children graduate from the program and the sponsorship relationship comes to a close, the letters stop. 2011 21,000 [26] Compassion refused to do so as it would be a misuse of funds entrusted to them by donors all around the world. 2011 300 My boys chew their graham crackers into the shape of handguns at the breakfast table wrote Eldredge, in Wild At Heart. 2013 100, International House of Prayer (EIN 74-2938033), 2001 to 2003 0 A fourth MLM board member is J.I. 2009 23,461 Frank Worthen and Anne Paulk are founding members of the Restored Hope Network that formed in 2012 amidst the move of Exodus International away from the claim that reparative therapy works. 2011 48,750 (see:, 2001 20,000 2012 4,000 On the international front, Focus on The Familys more recent active participation in the World Congress of Families which has included the participation of top Focus on the Family leaders in WCF planning sessions further underlines the fact that the softening of FoFs anti-LGBT rhetoric has been mainly a public relations ploy. 2013 177,877 (South Tampa Fellowship). Leading those drives towards schism have been the so-called Renewal groups within the Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, and other traditionally centrist or liberal Protestant denominations. But amidst the move of Exodus International away from its previous endorsement of reparative therapy, the Portland Fellowship was one of the ex-gay ministries which broke away from Exodus to form the hard-line Restored Hope Network of which Portland Fellowship head Jason Thompson was an original board member. (see: and He has been relentless in encouraging his followers to political action: As the vice-regents of God, we are to bring His truth and His will to bear on every sphere of our world and our society. Because of the unique, unusual role the Iowa caucuses play in the American election primary system, the Iowa Family Policy Center wields great influence over Republican presidential hopefuls. Advocates International speakers have participated in the (NCF-funded) Howard Centers World Congress of Families events, which have been closely tied to growing anti-LGBT persecution and anti-gay legislation in Russia, Eastern Europe, and elsewhere. 2006 26,500 2006 43,134 2010 3,089,389 2008 35,000 Packer, who is widely regarded as one of the leading theologians in North American Protestant conservative evangelicalism. Since 2010, the AFAs director of Issue Analysis for Government and Public Policy Bryan Fischer has been rebroadcasting tropes originally minted by Scott Lively, that Hitler and top Nazis were gay. Classified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-LGBT hate group, American Vision is an openly Christian Reconstructionist ministry. no EIN provided). 2005 5,000 2003 66,500 Two weeks after Bahati tabled the Anti Homosexuality Bill (activated it within the legislative process of Ugandas parliament), from October 31 to November 1, 2009 College of Prayer International President Fred Hartley III led the first COP teaching module in Uganda, for COP Ugandan Parliament members including David Bahati and Nsaba Buturo, Ugandas head of the Office Of Ethics and Integrity. The Christian Film and Television Commission produces Movieguide, which assesses the suitability of movie and television programming for conservative Christian audiences. 2006 1,346,868 Oyet, Lwere, Mitala, and Janet Museveni have all played major roles in Ugandas ongoing anti-gay crusade. As Katherine Stewarts book The Good News Club describes, Child Evangelism Fellowship promotes a fundamentalist, Christian nationalist, supremacist form of Christianity suffused with anti-LGBT hostility. model is culturally appropriate and relevant. 2009 250 2005 4,600,955 Abandoned by her father and trapped in poverty, Yanelly had no hope for her future until her sponsor and center believed in her. 2007 83,400 (combined, all AoG entities/missions) Campus Crusade For Christ There are two changes that had the most impact on Compassions rating. 2007 4,500 2002 1,929,607 Christian Anti-Communism Crusade 2005 1,037,900 In 2007 Ellel Ministries co-head Jill Southern stated, [Homosexuality] is usually a result of homosexual abuse in very early childhood when they were wrongly touched but there are other possible causes such as gender confusion and rejection by a peer group as a weakling So this spirit of homosexuality has an appetite for homosexual acts, and is using your body for its own appetite. Sponsoring a child costs $38 a month. Eldridge stressed that the anti-gay movement must be perceived as a genuine grass roots uprising. He said that home rule is important, because a top-down approach doesnt work. 2007 10,000 2004 330,000 2008 4,000 When you sponsored me, all that changed. Humanly speaking, the San Francisco Bay Areahome to six million peopleseems to be beyond hope. How many countries does Compassion work in? Over the subsequent decades, key evangelical aid and development theorists who attended Villars, such as Darrow L. Miller little known in secular culture but whose ideas have exerted vast influence within the myriad U.S.-based evangelical aid and relief groups that sprang up after World War Two (some of which have annual budgets of over a billion dollars) have extensively fleshed out the initial vision embodied in the Villars Statement. Various iterations of the First Academy student handbook contain similar provisions (see: 2001 15,450 2010 113,000 2012 48,000 At The Gathering 1997, under the auspices of Howard Ahmansons Fieldstead Institute, Ahmansons private unincorporated funding vehicle, one current and one former (Herb Schlossberg) Fieldstead program director gave a presentation outlining a master strategy for combating organized homosexuality. 2006 2,500 Longtime head of The Family Douglas Coe is one of the three agents of The International Foundation listed on its 2012 990 tax form as having received financial compensation from the nonprofit. 2002 0 Based on research, the Love Won Out campaign appears to have been planned by a working group that included Herbert Schlossberg and Don Schmierer, who co-led a presentation at The Gathering 1997 on how to combat organized homosexuality. 2. The most common ethnicity at Compassion International is White (63%). 2005 12,191 2010 174,550 2005 1,194,145 2001 0 2003 0 2010 2,710 MDentistry: advancing health through education, service, research and discovery. In 1994 the Glenn Eyrie castle headquarters of The Navigators hosted a secret anti-LGBT rights conference which included representatives from Focus on The Family, the Family Research Council, the American Family Association, the Christian Coalition, Concerned Women of America, and the Christian Reconstructionism-linked U.S. Taxpayers Party. Transform World is affiliated with the overtly theocratic Coalition on Revival and is using major portions of the Coalition on Revival Worldview Documents (also known as the 17 Sphere Documents) in the Transform World Connections Handbook which is being given to conferees. (see: Many CMA churches are now fully New Apostolic, in their beliefs and practices. Through 2002 3,000 2006 0 Everett Swanson first ministered Stated Coe, They have to put the purposes of the Red Guard ahead of their mother, father, brother, sister and their own life. The problem, according to Eldredge, is an emasculating overemphasis on manners: Where are all the real men? is regular fare for talk shows and new books. Kennedy describes the typical home in Mathare as having two parents and five children, all living in a shack that is 10 feet by 10 feet. We must never APPEAR to be attempting to rob anyone of their rights, of their constitutional rights, I think the gay agenda, and I would not say this as frankly as I will now in other cultural contexts, I think the gay agenda has all the elements of that which is truly evil. The National Christian Foundations biggest grant to RPI, in 2009, corresponds with heavy College of Prayer organizing in Uganda. Voice of the Martyrs It's a You might have thought I would be afraid of you, look down on you, judge you, or consider you unworthy of friendship. Bauer served as President of the Family Research Council from 1988-1999. I want you to know that I am forever grateful to you for releasing me from poverty in Jesus' name. 2010 438,951 2007 472,812 2011 1,500 The NCFs core beliefs include the statement, the entire Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God; the only infallible rule of faith and practice. (see:, NCFs founders have helped create and lead the elite anti-gay evangelical right NCF co-founder and current board member Ron Blue has swerved on the Campus Crusade for Christ board and NCF co-founder (the late) Larry Burkett worked as a financial manager for CCC; Burkett was also a founding member of the Alliance Defense Fund (now renamed Alliance Defending Freedom); NCF co-founder and current NCF board member Terry Parker has served on the board of the Family Research Council (see encyclopedia entries for these three organizations.). Consequently, it is not surprising that one of the most prominent AIC churches in Kenya, Nairobis Africa Inland Church Ziwani, has recently served as a launching point for Kenyan Vice President William Rutos mounting rhetorical attacks on LGBT rights and same-sex marriage. 2001 14,000 MLM repackages discredited ex-gay propaganda, especially video, for international audiences. Enlist our congregations to get involved in the political process, 2001 1,000 The termites are in charge now, and that is not the way it ought to be, and the time has arrived for a godly fumigation. (Pat Robertson, as quoted by New York Magazine, August 18, 1986), Feminism has also attracted Robertsons ire. Of particular interest in terms of LGBT rights, this biblical worldview includes the vision of implementing some version of biblical (mosaic) law including laws against homosexuality. We had laws in Texas til 2002 that we sent them to prison! 2006 48,852 Intercessors For America ( see: ), 2001 0 2003 137,850 RPI is the Parent ministry of College of Prayer, which works with Ugandan Julius Oyet, professed co-author of the Ugandan Anti Homosexuality Bill. Headed by longtime ex-gay leader David Kyle Foster, Mastering Life Ministries (MLM) is currently producing (as its main organizational project) the Pure Passion video series which features videos of ex-gay leaders, and alleged experts who purport to describe long-discredited cures for same-sex attraction. He knew he had to do something. 2008 1,587,081 Head of Faith 2 Action Janet Porter, ne Janet Folger, fronted for the 1998 Truth In Love ex-gay promotion campaign that briefly helped establish ex-gay leaders such as John and Anne Paulk as household names across America. , (see: 2011 34,000 Jones also inveighs against the practice of yoga, writing, The god of gay marriage and yoga is not the transcendent personal Creator of Scripture, but the divine self within, who creates its own reality and the laws to go with it. 2013 4,400, Marriage and Family Foundation (EIN 26-0142546), In 2005, top leaders from Chick-Fil-A, including Don Cathy, launched the Marriage and Family Legacy Fund, which later change its name to the Marriage & Family Foundation. 2009 4,000 Compassion. In her book, Stewart describes attending (see: The photo caption reads, Alex Mitala leader of 10,000 churches in Uganda where Andys team trained over 400 pastors in Freedom Tools (for one version cfo this image, see: Elements of that strategy which included the dual approach of demonizing LGBT people and promoting ex-gay therapy have since been implemented in Russia, Uganda, and elsewhere around the globe. The Biblical emphasis, then, is 2001 10,000 Hitlers genocide wasnt really an issue for them. Each child has only one sponsor, which is why the sponsor's prayers, letters and support mean so much to a child. We must never appear to be attempting to rob anyone of their rights their constitutional rights. Kennedys many projects included the Center For Reclaiming America, known for its patronage and promotion of leading Christian Reconstructionists. Your support gives a child life-changing opportunity to develop spiritually, emotionally, physically and economically. Your donation to the Where Most Needed Fund will help support the mission of releasing children from poverty in Jesus name. As described in the World Evangelical Alliance book Doing Member Care Well: Perspectives and practices From Around the World (page 153, edited by Kelly ODonnell, 2002, World Evangelical Alliance Missions Commission), AIM has focused especially on building missions infrastructure, including a partnership with the Wycliffe Bible Translators/SIL (also heavily funded by the National Christian Foundation): Africa Inland Mission has historically had a vision to provide services for the broader missions community of like- minded mission agencies in East Africa. 2012 0 EPMs website features a major resource section on homosexuality ( and in that section, in a March 29, 2010 op-ed titled Is The Homosexual Lifestyle Worthy Of Minority Status?, Alcorn writes. A Project of Compassion International. Wrote Gentry, the family must align itself with God and His Law, rather than with blood ties or emotional attachment, as is so often the case. without recognizing the value of incentive, opportunity, creativity, and economic and 2003 0 2005 0 He is friends with people in high places and the members of parliament came to the College of Prayer and enjoyed the time so much they invited me to speak at their parliamentary prayer breakfast this year. No. 2009 7,300 2011 2,530, The Witherspoon Institute (EIN 55-0835528). In 2008, at a California rally against same sex marriage, Pacific Justice Institute head Brad Dacus compared stopping same-sex marriage to stopping Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler (see: 2011 4,100 Endorsed by Focus on the Family founder and longtime head James Dobson, Summit is one of the notable points of intersection between the mainstream, populist Christian right, as represented by Dobsons Focus on the Family, and the farther reaches of the hard evangelical right. In its support of WCF, E&PPC has been joined by Fieldstead and Company, the major philanthropic vehicle for anti-LGBT rights funder Howard Ahmanson. Foundation For Moral Law 2011 100 Compassion International is the world's largest Christian child development organization. 2007 2,734,300 John Hagee Ministries 150). 2008 69,640 Nothing could be further from the truth. As described in a July 14, 2014 report ( ), during the September 12-15, 2013 at the annual meeting of The Gathering, held in the Alliance Defending Freedoms home base of Scottsdale, AZ, three generations of the Green family, owners of Hobby Lobby, were present for the event. 2006 0 2010 5,100 2007 2,400 2002 17,500 then, is an unavoidable dimension of relief and development worknot only for 11% of Compassion International management is Hispanic or Latino. 2009 1,370,350 2009 171,100
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