She tells Bonnie that she must go to the place where she was scared and face it. AU. He introduces himself as Luka and seems to be only interested in Bonnie. Bonnie refuses to give it back. Dr. Martin doesnt hear her and soon the lights up above start to explode. Now that Bonnie is also on the Other Side, they can now presumably stay together after she told Jeremy that she "has the witches" and she left holding Sheila's hand. Noticing that Bonnie doesn't even hear her, Elena calls out Emily and immediately Bonnie stops. What she needs is a bigger witch. Since she's here she might as well fix things before the Mikaelsons can mess it up, again. Jeremy of course is upset because he knows that it will be too much for Bonnie. Elena caught Jeremy kissing Anna, she then informed Caroline who in turn relayed this information to Bonnie. Waking the next day she finds herself in a life altering problem or solution as the person from her past tries to help her see it. When Elena warns the Mikaelsons about their mother's plan to kill them on the night of the ball, allegiances change and new friendships forge the way to a -maybe- peaceful future. In the beginning, before Bonnie discovered her true heritage as a witch, Bonnie had described herself as a psychic. At the tomb, Bonnie channels Lukas energy to try and get Jeremy out but she ends up passing out. Bonnie forgives and hugs her. I croaked. Will Klaus show up? After some of Mystic Falls residents take matters into their own hands, the threat that the town is facing grows beyond the Heretics. Lots of different ships. This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Bonnie Bennett & Kol Mikaelson & Rebekah Mikaelson, The Bamon Diaries - Song Inspired Collections, Caroline's Past Consent Issues with Damon, Truly Extraordinary Levels of Elijah Pining, Elena Gilbert/Kol Mikaelson/Bonnie Bennett, Bonnie Bennett/Jeremy Gilbert/Kol Mikaelson, Elena Gilbert/Elijah Mikaelson/Rebekah Mikaelson/Kol Mikaelson, Bonnie Bennett/Elena Gilbert/Rebekah Mikaelson, Elena Gilbert/Kol Mikaelson/Bonnie Bennett/Rebekah Mikaelson, Jeremy Gilbert/Bonnie Bennett/Rebekah Mikaelson, Minor Caroline Forbes/Klaus Mikaelson/Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore/Stefan Salvatore, Past Elena Gilbert/Stefan Salvatore - Relationship, Glamrock Bonnie/Glamrock Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Montgomery Gator/Glamrock Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Glamrock Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Glamrock Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Glamrock Foxy (Original Five Nights at Freddy's Character), Montgomery Gator (Five Nights at Freddy's), Take a Chance With Me Darling (let me rock your world), Bonnie Bennett/Kol Mikaelson/Stefan Salvatore, past Bonnie Bennett/Jeremy Gilbert - Relationship, Collection of Bonnie Centric Short Stories. Early Life []. Bonnie leaves Mystic Falls after Jeremy dies. Bonnie finds out that they just moved there from Louisiana. Now with the spell linking her and Elena's life together, she snaps. However, in Season Six, the two rekindle their friendship and decide to breakup. But she is very happy to be reunited with her best friend Elena. Stefan, Damon, Enzo and Bonnie work together to stop Rayna. And yet. Bonnie finally tells Caroline that she did something really bad. Elijah explains that the sacrifice will happen in stages - the Werewolf will be killed, then the Vampire, and then the Petrova Doppelgnger. stelena; elenagilbert; klonnie +22 more # 3. On top of that- her two ex-best friends, Scott and Stiles, are in the midst of it all. He tells her that they are no longer suffering and that only blood can bring them back. Seconds later, the coffin flies open. "' ." In Season 7, her hair has grown to shoulder length and she wears it in loose curls. Bonnie continues to cast the spell but her nose begins to bleed and she sobs. Unfortunately, with a certain family residing there, thats next to impossible. But even when the big bad is on your side, there's always something worse, right? After saving the town of Mystic Falls again and again with noth. Matt and Bonnie are great friends that have been close since childhood. "Silas killed him, Bonnie. Lost in despair, Bonnie had temporarily left Mystic Falls. Under mysterious circumstances, Bonnie finds herself being able to wield dark magic. Pero los verdaderos problemas empiezan cuando un vampiro original parece querer matar a Elena, Viola no pens que de alguna forma, ese vampiro original fuera a suavizar su corazn, o, sera al revs? Her maternal grandmother Sheila Bennett at one point tried to explain to Bonnie about her witch heritage, although Bonnie dismissed this because she thought that her grandmother was drunk and before the beginning of the series, she tried to explain to Bonnie about her witch heritage again (even though Bonnie said that she was psychic). Before Lucy leaves the party, Bonnie stops her to try and figure out who she is. Bonnie also sacrifices herself to let Damon go home. Matt also has a lot of trust in Bonnie that he trust her with his life in The Reckoning. Bonnie tries to convince her that she was telling the truth and that the necklace shouldn't be in there. Moments later, the books catch on fire., Chanting and shouting "Sutas Incenda!" Bonnie Bennett awoke with drool on her arm, she must have dozed off. In Bad Moon Rising, at the Mystic Grill, Stefan asks Bonnie to help Caroline out and put a spell on another ring so Caroline could walk in the sun. A corner of his mouth formed a parenthesis. In All My Children, Bonnie tells Elena that Esther had stopped by that morning and asked for her and her mothers help. Bonnie made a face at him. Of course Silas knows and he plans on using that to his advantage to eventually take over Mystic Falls. Alaric and Bonnie take Jeremy to the witches' house and Bonnie tries to use the power of the old witches to revive Jeremy. Bonnie Even the purest hearts are drawn to it." He hoped Damon, Elena and Jeremy managed to get out of Mystic Falls ok, because . Reaching out to grab the necklace, Damon is thrust back against a tree with a wooden stake in his side. He also told her how to kill Klaus. Bonnie tries to convince Lucy to break the spell but Lucy tells her she cant unless they hand over the moonstone. The witch, as a caveat to her children's immortality, spelled the Helvig bloodline as a weapon against vampires. Sheila talks about the history and how serious witchcraft can be. However, once Bonnie is saved, they go back to being friends as if nothing happened. If anyone asked, and she was truthful, she would say its the first thing she ever knew. "You know, the Witch people," Damon said. Bonnie finally finds Lucy and confronts her about what shes doing there. After Stefan and Damon take off to find Elena, Bonnie and Jeremy wait together in his room. Outside, Elena is in severe pain and Bonnie decides she can help out by putting a spell on her that takes away the pain. she soon will get the power that has been ordained to her eons ago, no longer will her grandmother be able to hide her from her fate. However in later seasons, she began to wear a more "unique" style, with floral, flared cardigans, dark jackets and matching accessories such as long necklaces and pendants with small earrings, which Bonnie is regularly seen wearing. Filled with a new determination, Bonnie takes Damon's car and journeys to Silas' tomb, hoping to finally return home. She is unable to let go of the past, as she refused forgiven Malachai Parker for what he did to her in the Prison World, despite the fact that he was no longer the evil psychopath he once was, becoming much more willing to backstab and even kill others. Caroline convinces them that it was not her. He tries to stop her but suddenly she passes out. Doesn't Make Him Nice. Bonnie/Emily tells Elena that she is going to destroy the necklace and that Damon will never get it back. In You're Undead To Me, Bonnie is seen at Caroline's house on her bed. Damon burns one of the last bodies of a corpse connected to Bonnie's huntress side and cured Bonnie of the huntress curse. Approaching the bathroom, Bonnie is suddenly grabbed by Ben and take away. Daughter of Klaus Mikaelson. Bonnie asks what happened and whether she did it or not. And the shitstorm that follows. Losing her grandmother was the hardest thing for her to endure, but she continued on moving forward. Lucy thanks Bonnie for giving her a wake-up call and that she no longer wants to mess with Vampires. Some are All Human, some are Off-Canon all are Bamon centric! On her way out, Bonnie bumps into Caroline. Far from home in a new city is bound to cause trouble for the Bennett witch. Bonnie enters the bathroom and suddenly the door shuts after her. Outside the Witch House, Jeremy asks how much power Bonnie can channel. In Unpleasantville, Bored with the dance, Bonnie and Caroline decide to go to the Mystic Grill. A doppelganger self-insert written by someone who is sick of the August is by far the most powerful Addam. She doesn't know what or who to trust anymore. When Bonnie becomes a supernatural huntress during the seventh season, this strains their friendship a bit. He sees no other choice and proceeds inside to save Elena anyways. She sees the coffins and Stefan tells her that he needs her to put a spell on the coffins so they will disappear. Qetsiyah and Esther combine forces to eliminate werewolves and vampires as well as control witches. Abby tells her that it was the spell she used to bind Mikael into the coffin. After Caroline transitioned into a vampire, Bonnie was angry over this and lashed out at Damon but eventually Bonnie's love for her friend overcame her natural dislike for vampires and the two were best friends again. Liz arrives and shoots at Damon, but he rushes off quickly and the bullet hits Jeremy. If you can cause a little chaos, of course." In a world where vampires and werewolves are constantly vying for power and witches are all but shunned, Klaus is willing to tear the country apart to marry Bonnie Bennett, the witch who saved his life. mcgilley state line obituaries. Seeing they have no choice, Bonnie begins the chanting spell. Taking matters into his own hands, Stefan races into the tomb and tosses Jeremy out. Arabella yells. Bonnie not only spent the summer plotting, but also coming into her powers as well. The town she once grew up in from ages of 6-10. So, she heads to Beacon Hills to finish off her senior year. So he had planned everything with Bonnie. Bonnie and Jeremy are enjoying a game of pool when Luka once again joins them. Derek Hale is the worst and Stiles hates him. In Home, Bonnie gets trapped on the other side with Damon, thus ending their relationship. Telling him: "The spirits don't get to tell me what to do anymore. It's not what your people do anyway. Bonnie raises Hope while New Orleans is at war. TVD/TO AU: Hope Mikaelson needs help. Hearing a noise, Abby looks at the coffin. Bonnie Bennett belongs to the lycan wolf pack called the Night Walkers. Vampires, werewolves, witches, demons, angels, mermaids, fairies you name it I know it; movies, books, fanfictions I have gone through it all. Bonnie Bennett is the first and only witch to use the deadliest and most dark magic, Expression within the tv show. With the help of Abby, Bonnie is still able to warn Damon on time to get one coffin out of the Witch House. US History. She begins by writing a message on a piece of paper and proceeds with the spell. It was even more unexpected because lets face it, she was transported into a different universe, one that she'd been a fan of before. Up in his room, Jeremy tries to talk to Bonnie about being in denial about losing her powers. Bonnie heads out to the rubble of the old church and looks around. At first she thinks her Grams is crazy, but Bonnie then starts to experience inexpiable and supernatural things. bonnie gets a black friend Bonnie gains a backbone but still fights for her friends Bonnie has agency Rebekah gets a friend as well Bonnie has major storylines oc's have storylines as well elena gets a happy ending Bonnie gets a happy ending Mentions of Myth & Folklore Norse Mythology - Freeform Ancient Egyptian Literature & Mythology Setting up many candles at Carolines house, Bonnie prepares to try and get information regarding Klaus from Luka. With the help of a witch he had tracked down the only woman who in thousands of years Klaus had fallen in love with. Adding her name to his list of evil todos he created the plan to kidnap, drain the vervain and compel the newbie vampire to be his. In The Dinner Party, at the Mystic Grill, Jeremy sees Bonnie and joins her at the table. It was a destiny, a tragedy, forged a thousand years ago and been ten centuries in the waiting. As Bonnie continues to joke about her preternatural powers, during the Back to School Party, Bonnie inexplicably reads Elena's past. She acknowledges that her time in the Prison World changed her and is unsure if she is scared of what she may have turned into or likes this new version of herself. Not what my people do?". Stefan steps out of the shadows and Damon steps up behind Abby. Using her abilities once again, Bonnie soon discovers that they dont work on Katherine. Emily refuses to give him an answer, explaining that there is a natural balance to everything and maybe Damon deserves to die. It shows a particular interest in the Bennett bloodline. Bonnie has a very soulful and magical beauty and she is almost uniformly feminine, in which she possesses somewhat of a fragile and enigmatic aura. Luka starts by apologizing if his father was being too much of a snoop but that they just needed to be careful. Pulling off the road suddenly, Bonnie gets out and throws the necklace far into a deserted field. Bonnie lights his arm with magic where it's wet by the water.Ben panics and pats the fire off and just makes it in time to catch Elena before she escapes.Bonnie, who was by the door without a choice had to go back in. After a moment, Jeremy starts to see that Bonnies nose is bleeding. However, before she left she told Bonnie that she was a good witch and that she needed to continue to fight. Bonnie later pays her respect to The Gilbert Family by attending John and Jenna's funeral. When Kai crawls out of Hell in S8, he does the smart thing and gets out of Mystic Falls. By Bonnie becoming a relentless huntress, this influences Bonnie to hate Damon once again, only worse than ever. She thought it would give her space away from vampires, but instead, this town was no different from Mystic Falls. Jeremy and Caroline are soon there to help him up and back to Carolines house. Bonnie has soft and gentle facial features and she has somewhat of a delicate appearance. That they really loved each other. When Jeremy comes back to Mystic Falls, Kol tags along, intent on annoying his big brother and flirting with Jeremy. Bonnie is a girl that lives in Mystic Falls, shes a witch. Later she hears a gunshot, following in her mom making Bonnie unconscious and giving her herbs that take away her magic temporary. In By the Light of the Moon, Elena and Bonnie discuss how to remove the curse from the moonstone. Up on a roof top, Luka and Bonnie prepare to break the curse on the moonstone. Jeremy heads off with Luca to show him the office while Bonnie looks on.In the Mystic Grill, Bonnie runs into Luka and his father Jonas Martin.
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