View Tina Huang's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. PubMed This free online conference is featuring panel discussions from Details on the allele frequency estimates are provided in Supplementary Information, section12, Supplementary Figs. I also have a newsletter called Boop's Keyboard! 35, 15471549 (2018). Radiocarbon 51, 337360 (2009). & Vernot, B. (accessed March 4, 2023). Madrid, Madrid, Spain. CAS (Robert Rueda; Tina Saldivar; Lynne Shapiro; Shane Templeton; Houghton Mifflin Company Staff) 2022-112-4f84b - Ecologizr. of estimates from 5-cM-block jackknife analysis. @hellotinah. If you want to know more, you can always go to MySQLs data warehouse site. van de Loosdrecht, M. et al. How to Rock at Data Science with Tina Huang Jon Krohn Amazing content! The science policy "Framework for Federal Scientific Integrity Policy and Practice" issued by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy a day later is criticized as a "gag order" on scientists by PEER in an open letter (30 Jan). Jnsson, H., Ginolhac, A., Schubert, M., Johnson, P. L. F. & Orlando, L. MapDamage2.0: fast approximate Bayesian estimates of ancient DNA damage parameters. Test cases development, automated test tool design, and validation testing for Alaris' first attachable/detachable infusion pump, which is . We then removed samples with less than 0.04X coverage (calculated on the mappable, non-recombining region of the Y chromosome98) to avoid arbitrarily placing low-coverage samples at the root of major haplogroups. Definitely a course worth investing in as it sticks out as a unique course focusing on SQL interviews and doesn't contribute to the abundance of generic courses on the internet! Ecol. We love meeting interesting people and making new friends. ), no. Highly Influential Citations 3. Petr, M., Pbo, S., Kelso, J. In no time, she established herself as one of the favorite vloggers of the data community. Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. Proc. Purchasing this course makes it your own. An early modern human from Romania with a recent Neanderthal ancestor. Enjoy maximum flexibility and forget about cramming against the clock. The three squares highlight Baltic HG groups associated with the Comb Ceramic Culture (CCC) that show a marked increase in Sidelkino-related ancestrycompared to olderBaltic HG groups. This process allowed us to assign an ancestral or derived haplogroup for covered branches, and to make corrections to calls in cases where, for instance, a more derived haplogroup was called because of residual ancient damage (C-to-T or G-to-A mismatches) in terminal read positions at diagnostic SNPs98 (Supplementary Data 1.A). Floor Coatings. Google Scholar. Open access funding provided by Max Planck Society. Billed once. Cold Spring Harb. Tina is proud she taught herself SQL from scratch in 11 days to pass her FAANG SQL interview. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Piezonka, H. et al. What is Connection Map in Data Visualization? & Fennema, K. Hunters of the Golden Age: The Mid Upper Palaeolithic of Eurasia, 30,000-20,000 bp (Univ. 1999 - 20001 year. This suggests that genetic links between southern and southwestern European hunter-gatherers around the time of the LGM extended north of the Pyrenees. Science 365, eaat7487 (2019). 1 and 2). Nat. 13, 24472461 (2018). HaploGrep 2: mitochondrial haplogroup classification in the era of high-throughput sequencing. Dual ancestries and ecologies of the Late Glacial Palaeolithic in Britain. However, the genetic profile of contemporaneous Gravettian-associated individuals from western Europe remains unknown, as is their contribution to populations after the LGM. Google Scholar. Evol. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Article 8). I think its cool to see a project like this happen and I hope its interesting for people to learn more about how this stuff works. Therefore,most of the ancestry found in these post-LGM individuals probably traced back to Gravettian-associated groups from western and southwestern Europe. Ancient genomes show social and reproductive behavior of early Upper Paleolithic foragers. "Unlike diving into the university life directly, the pathways program is a buffer that allows international students to be better prepared. A user manual including an installation guide is available at The mitochondrial capture sequencing reads were cleaned by AdapterRemoval 2.2.0 to remove the adapters and reads with lengths below 30bp. E.A. 12 Data Science YouTube Channels by Women to Follow is also supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG FOR 2237). Mittnik, A. et al. 9). Peltzer, A. et al. The competition is based on a pretty strict data set thats been collected by the Stanford Computer Science department. W jednej z historii misiaczki za rad pewnej wydry zamieszkuj w tajemniczym . The genetic distinction between the Oberkassel and Sidelkino clusters is also clearly noticeable in the diversity of uniparentally inherited markers, as the Oberkassel cluster is dominated by mtDNA haplogroup U5 and Y-chromosome haplogroup I, whereas individuals from the Sidelkino cluster show a higher frequency of mtDNA haplogroups U2, U4 and R1b, and carry uniquely Y-chromosome haplogroups Q, R and J (Extended Data Figs. Reviews. Look here to get updated on my recent favourite books, animes, filming equipment and more! Oxidation of methane into valuable chemicals, such as C 2+ molecules, has been long sought after but the dilemma between high yield and high selectivity of desired products remains. We then attempted to model 250 published and newly reported hunter-gatherers dated to 145ka using qpAdm as a mixture of Oberkassel, Sidelkino, GoyetQ2 ancestries, and an ancestry maximized in Anatolian Neolithic farmers (ANF), as a considerable portion of the sequenced hunter-gatherer genomes date after around 8ka, when ANF ancestry started spreading across Europe. and J.Krause performed or supervised genetic analyses. About the author: Tina Huang is a data scientist at one of the FAANG companies. 1c). This Villabruna ancestry(hereafter, Villabruna cluster or ancestry) showed connections to ancient and present-day Near Eastern populations4,16, but the mode and tempo of its expansion into the Italian peninsula remain unexplored. The libraries underwent shallow shotgun sequencing on an Illumina HiSeq 4000 instrument with 75 single-end-run cycles using the manufacturers protocol, to evaluate the human endogenous DNA content and quality. The genetic history of Ice Age Europe. Further palaeogenomic studies on Upper Palaeolithic individuals from the Balkans will be essential for understanding whether southeastern Europe represents the source of the Villabruna ancestry and a climatic refugium for human populations during the LGM. You need a lot of information to predict whats going to happen, but then you also need a lot of information to make decisions about what youre going to do. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. In our case, we had data about people who had fallen off the internet, and we wanted to predict the probability that they would fall off at a certain time. By submitting a comment you agree to abide by our Terms and Community Guidelines. 2023 in science - Wikipedia This website is about taking one step at a time to ultimately live more fulfilling lives. Wonderful course so far Tina. In addition to this general data science content, Tina teaches SQL . Wyprodukowany w konwencji anime serial stanowi spin-off produkcji "Midzy nami, Misiami", ktrej reyserem wykonawczym . Happy International Womens Day! Second, the ancestry of individuals associated with the Epigravettian culture (Villabruna cluster), which was found to genetically connect European and Near Eastern hunter-gatherers, reached southern Europe well before the transition between the Early and Late Epigravettian4,15 and possibly as early as the GravettianEpigravettian transition. 41 Year Olds. We further tested whether individuals included in the Vstonice and Fournol clusters share similar allele frequencies with the main representatives of those two clusters. 771234-PALEoRIDER (to W.H. Ive always liked the idea of using data to make predictions. PLoS ONE 14, e0217996 (2019). This procedure allowed us to manually traverse the ISOGG Y-Haplogroup Tree, checking in a semi-automatic way which positions were covered. Parallel palaeogenomic transects reveal complex genetic history of early European farmers. The oldest individual in the Fournol cluster is Ormesson 2988 from northeastern France (31ka, Early/Middle Gravettian), whereasa Gravettian group from Goyet in Belgium (27ka, Late Gravettian) is found to be a mixture between the Vstonice and Fournol clusters. Sci. A 5700 year-old human genome and oral microbiome from chewed birch pitch. Nature 592, 253257 (2021). This was confirmed with qpAdm, in which we could model all individuals from the Oberkassel cluster as a broadly constant mixture of approximately 75% Arene Candide 16 and 25% Goyet Q-2 (or 90% Arene Candide 16 and 10% Fournol 85) (Fig. Danielle Fishel. Sci. If you find something abusive or that does not comply with our terms or guidelines please flag it as inappropriate. Individuals from northwestern Italy (Arene Candide 16), central Italy (Continenza) and Sicily fall on a phylogenetically more derived branch (group 2), which further diversified into a branch composed of Sicilian hunter-gatherers only (group 3). 2011. Tina Huang is a Data Scientist at a FAANG (Facebook, Amazon Apple, Netflix, Google) company. Shes the author of the popular Data Science: The Complete Guide and the creator of the popular Data Science Cookbook. She was also one of the founders of the Stanford Data Science Society. Quat. All individuals belonging to the Fournol cluster show higher affinity to Goyet Q116-1 than to the Sunghir group (n=4), and the Vstonice-cluster individuals show higher affinity to the Sunghir group than to Goyet Q116-1 (Extended Data Fig. Kumar, S., Stecher, G., Li, M., Knyaz, C. & Tamura, K. MEGA X: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis across computing platforms. The detailed grouping of individuals shown with empty coloured circles is described in Supplementary Data 1.I. Science 338, 222226 (2012). Biol. 6 Reasons We Just Cant Stop. Huang, Y. L. Sineo, M.L. Its also hard to predict whats going to happen, but I hope its interesting to people who want to learn more about data science. Ice Age survivors. We visualize the total amount of ROH longer than 4 cM for (a) pre-LGM individuals, (b) Epigravettian- and Magdalenian-associated individuals, (c) individuals carrying high proportions of Sidelkino-related ancestry, and (d) individuals carrying high proportions of Oberkassel-related ancestry. Tina Huang. Protoc. Development of antifouling membrane film for treatment of oil-rich This may have prompted people from the south to expand their habitat. Were dedicated to providing you the best ofNews, with a focus on dependability andBusiness. & Ringbauer, H. hapCon: estimating contamination of ancient genomes by copying from reference haplotypes. She is also a popular YouTuber with over 60k subscribers. A dynastic elite in monumental Neolithic society. Trans. c, Admixture graph modelling of the main pre-LGM European hunter-gatherer lineages created using qpGraph. A high-coverage genome sequence from an archaic Denisovan individual. Upper Palaeolithic Siberian genome reveals dual ancestry of Native Americans. Required fields are marked *. 9; the entire IT and laboratory teams at the Department of Archaeogenetics of MPI-SHH for technical assistance; M. Meyer and S. Nagel for support with single-stranded library preparation; K. Post, P. van Es, J. Glimmerveen, M. Medendorp, M. Sier, S. Dikstra, M. Dikstra, R. van Eerden, D. Duineveld and A. Hoekman for providing access to human specimens from the North Sea (The Netherlands); M. D. Garralda and A. Estalrrich for providing access to human specimens from La Riera (Spain); J. Grski andM. Zajcfor providingaccess tohuman specimensfromMaszycka cave;C. Di Patti for providing access to human specimens from San Teodoro 2 (Italy); P. Blaeviius for providing access to the Donkalnis human remains and the new radiocarbon dates; the Italian Ministry of Culture and Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio for the Provinces of Verona, Rovigo, and Vicenza for granting access to the human remains of Tagliente 2; F. Fontana, who carries out investigations of the Riparo Tagliente site (Italy); the Friuli Venezia Giulia Superintendency for providing access to the human tooth Pradis 1; and the Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio for the Provinces of Barletta-Andria-Trani and Foggia for providing access to the Paglicci human remains. You have to deal with large datasets; however, you have to do your work in a way that makes sense to your team. Then we combined our newly generated genotypes with published genotypes from ancient and modern individuals from AADR v42.4 (Allen Ancient DNA Resource ( version 42.4) for downstream analysis1,4,7,14,16,23,36,37,38,39,40,42,43,45,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94. CAS These data cover a time span of around 30,000 years from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Late Neolithic (defined here by the presence of pottery rather than by farming subsistence economy if not indicated), derive from multiple prehistoric cultural contexts, and originate from 54 archaeological sites in 14 countries: 1 Aurignacian-associated individual from Belgium and 1 culturally unassigned individual from Romania (3533ka), 15 Gravettian-associated individuals from Spain, France, Belgium, Czechia and Italy (3126ka), 2 Solutrean-associated individuals from Spain and France (2321ka), 9 Magdalenian-associated individuals from France, Germany, and Poland (1815ka), 4 Epigravettian-associated individuals from Italy (1713ka), 2 Federmesser-associated individuals from Germany (14ka), and 81 Mesolithic to Neolithic foragers from across western Eurasia (115ka), together with 1 central Eurasian Neolithic individual from Tajikistan (8ka) (Fig. El Mirn has a significantly higher similarity to theVillabruna clusterthan Fournol 85 and Le Piage II, while the affinity to theVillabruna cluster in Le Piage II is not significantly higher than in Fournol 85 (Supplementary Data 2.D). Preistoria e Antropologia, Universit degli Studi di Siena, Siena, Italy, Stefano Ricci,Francesco Boschin&Annamaria Ronchitelli, Centro Studi sul Quaternario ODV, Sansepolcro, Italy, Institut National de Recherches Archologiques, Bertrange, Luxembourg, Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna, Ravenna, Italy, Gregorio Oxilia,Eugenio Bortolini,Stefano Benazzi&Matteo Romandini, Human Ecology and Archaeology (HUMANE), Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, Instituci Mil i Fontanals de Investigacin en Humanidades, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas (IMF - CSIC), Barcelona, Spain, UMR 7209Archozoologie et Archobotanique-Socits, Pratiques et Environnements, Musum National dHistoire Naturelle, Paris, France, Dipartimento di Scienze Della Vita e DellAmbiente, Sezione di Neuroscienze e Antropologia, Universit Degli Studi di Cagliari, Cittadella Monserrato, Cagliari, Italy, Dipartimento di Civilt e Forme Del Sapere, Universit di Pisa, Pisa, Italy, Center for Isotope Research, Groningen University, Groningen, The Netherlands, UMR 7206 co-Anthropologie, quipe ABBA. The black-outlined diamond marked out in the Gravettian group shows the PMR between the two Gravettian-associated individuals from southern Italy (Paglicci 12 and Ostuni 1). Science 363, 12301234 (2019). 27, 576582 (2017). Individuals at this site might mark one of the last occurrences of such high levels of hunter-gatherer-related ancestries, just centuries before the emerging European Bronze Age. Evol. Sci. For ds_halfUDG libraries, we called genotypes on all targeted sites from 2bp-masked bam files; for ds_nonUDG libraries, we called genotypes on transversion sites only; for ss_nonUDG libraries, we called genotypes with single-strand mode, which ignores forward reads at C/T polymorphisms and reverse reads at G/A polymorphisms. On the basis of PCA and outgroup f3-statistics, the Neolithic Tutkaul 1 individual from Tajikistan is closely related to Upper Palaeolithic individuals from south-central Siberia (Afontova Gora 3 (AG3) and Malta 1), and roughly contemporaneous West Siberian hunter-gatherers (Tyumen and Sosnoviy), both carrying high proportions of ANE ancestry45 (Fig. Tina Huang is a statistician who focuses on the statistical modeling and analysis of big data. After a period of limited admixture that spanned the beginning of the Mesolithic, we find genetic interactions between western and eastern European hunter-gatherers,who were also characterized by marked differences in phenotypically relevant variants. If youd like to learn more about data science, transitioning into computer science, and software engineering, you can also subscribe to my YouTube channel. Extended Data Fig. However, the extent to which groups associated with the Solutrean culture are in genetic continuity with earlier and later populations from the same region is unknown because no genomic data from Solutrean-associated individuals have been reported previously. On top of that, its full of useful career and productivity advice, so you can find out what knowledge you need to become a data scientist as well as how to break into the field. Shes currently at Microsoft. Science 344, 747750 (2014). analyzing similar products to compare how they performed, data visualizations with SQL and Python or R, Unimex NetworkPrice Analysis 2021 UMX Token Price Forecast 2021 Umx Token Price Prediction 2021, NKN Token Price Analysis 2021 Nkn Token Price Forecast 2021 nkn Token Price Prediction 2021, CRED Price Analysis 2021 LBA Token Price Forecast 2021 Lba Token Price Prediction 2021, Pearl Price Analysis 2021 PEARL Token Price Forecast 2021 pearl Token Price Prediction 2021, JackPool Price Analysis 2021 JFI Token Price Forecast 2021 Jfi Token Price Prediction 2021, CyberFi Price Analysis 2021 CFI Token Price Forecast 2021 CFI Price Prediction 2021, UNISTAKE Price Analysis 2021 UniStake Token Price Forecast 2021 Unistake Price Prediction 2021, OctoFi Token Price Analysis 2021 OCTO Token Price Forecast 2021 Octo Token Price Prediction 2021, Hedera Hashgraph Price Analysis 2021 HBAR Token Price Forecast 2021 -Hbar Price Prediction 2021. We also compared its affinity to El Mirn (northern Spain), the oldest Magdalenian-associated individual sequenced to date (19ka). Tina Huang Resume I | PDF | Machine Learning | Biology - Scribd Moreover, none of the Epigravettian-associated individuals have more affinity to southern European than to central-eastern European Gravettian-associated groups, as shown by f4(Mbuti, Epigravettian-associated individual/group; Vstonice, Paglicci 12) that is consistent with 0 (Supplementary Data 2.G). USA 110, 22232227 (2013). By using our site you agree toour The ancient human specimens analysed in this work derive from multiple scientific collaborations. wrote the manuscript with input from T.T., E.A., W.H., J. Krause and all other co-authors. Check out The data science resume that got me my FAANG job and subscribe to Tina Huangs YouTube channel. While terms such as lithic industry, techno-complex, prehistoric tradition, and so on might be more appropriate to refer to the various associated chrono-cultural subdivisions, they concern different levels of discussion and are not applicable to all contexts investigated here. We provide five novel insights into the genomic history of hunter-gatherer populations over a time span of 30,000 years from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Neolithic. We generated genome-wide sequencing data for 102 newly reported hunter-gatherers, and increased coverage for 14 previously published individuals4. Tina teaches SQL in data science in addition to this basic material. Renaud, G., Slon, V., Duggan, A. T. & Kelso, J. Schmutzi: estimation of contamination and endogenous mitochondrial consensus calling for ancient DNA. My name is Tina Huang and Im a data scientist at a FAANG company. Martiniano, R., De Sanctis, B., Hallast, P. & Durbin, R. Placing ancient DNA sequences into reference phylogenies. 5 YouTubers That Helped Me Break Into Data Science Powered by Symplectic part of Digital Science . In product development, we do lots of opportunity sizing to decide which features to build and what opportunities to invest in. Tina Huang. Nat. Genetic analyses of western European individuals associated with the preceding Badegoulian culture might provide clues on the processes that led to the formation of the GoyetQ2 cluster. Google Scholar. Stephen Kaye Alberto en LinkedIn: Future of Data and AI | Data Science Dojo Paradis, E., Claude, J. 13). Edit your profile. Shes the founder of Coding Black Females, a nonprofit with the aim to provide opportunities for Black female developers to develop themselves, meet familiar faces, network, receive support, and build relationships through having regular meetups., Check out the Coding Black Females website. In product development, 80% of the success of a product is determined by 20% of its features. Nat. Become the most confident candidate in the room. In this period, the Oberkassel-ancestry admixture spread further east, reaching Samara by around 6.5ka, and an increase in Sidelkino ancestry was detected in hunter-gatherers from the Baltic region, which was previously associated with the transition from the Narva culture to the Comb Ceramic culture38,39 (Extended Data Fig. Moreover, we reveal a north-to-south decrease in genetic diversity among the Epigravettian-associated groups, with the highest PMR and heterozygosity values found in northern Italian individuals (group 1), intermediate in western and central Italian individuals (group 2) and the lowest in Sicilian individuals (group 3) (Fig. Modern humans left sub-Saharan Africa at least 60 thousand years ago (ka), and during their initial expansion into Eurasia, they genetically mixed with Neanderthals, resultingin 23% Neanderthal ancestry in the majority of present-day non-African populations5. Quat. ADS The Magdalenian culture was widely distributed in southwestern, western and central Europe after the LGM33. 5 Cliches About computer science flow chart You Should Avoid, What Freud Can Teach Us About brief candle in the dark my life in science. A software engineer who now works as a content creator full-time, Mayuko Inoue runs a YouTube channel dedicated to software engineering, working in the tech industry, and life in general. From AI YouTubers to accessibilityadvocates. Mid and Late Upper Palaeolithic in the Adriatic Basin: chronology, transitions and human adaptations to a changing landscape. Echinacea. Lazaridis, I. et al. Tina is a computer science student at Stanford University. Gnther, T. et al. Hajdinjak, M. et al. Tina has an MSc in Computer Science from the University of Pennsylvania, and an HBSc in Pharmacology from the University of Toronto. My main tasks: Modeling and developing the data structures and processes to optimize the loads of information, discovering insights and creating and maintaining reports. 15, 193223 (2005). F4-statistics further support this view, revealing that Le Piage II is more closely related to the Fournol clusterthan the Vstonice cluster (f4(Mbuti, Le Piage II; Vstonice, Fournol 85)0, Z=6.58). Karmin, M. et al. Check out my courses where we apply scientifically backed learning techniques to accomplish our goals. Evol. In addition to her data science work, Tina has also created the popular popular game Code Wars. Nucleic Acids Res. Therefore, as previously reported2, the Vstonice cluster itself results from admixture between western and eastern lineages, which might contribute to the observed homogeneity in cranial morphology among Gravettian-associated individuals22. Harris, K. & Nielsen, R. The genetic cost of Neanderthal introgression. Since she graduated, shes been working at a company that develops software for the Windows operating system. In central-western Europe, Gravettian-associated individuals from Goyet show affinity to both clusters. Tina Huang. ADS "With these findings, we can for the first time directly support the hypothesis that during the Last Glacial Maximum people found refuge in the climatically more favourable region of southwestern Europe" says first author Cosimo Posth. Genomic and dietary discontinuities during the Mesolithic and Neolithic in Sicily. Its no surprise that she was selected for the Code Cup, a yearly event where students from all over the world compete in coding challenges. Los Angeles, California, United States. 4b and Supplementary Data 3.C). In this video @Tina Huang and I go through 5 subscriber submitted resumes and review them. 1). & Zimmermann, A. The sex of each individual was determined by the ratio of sequencing coverages on sex chromosomes versus autosomes (Supplementary Data 1.C). Instead, in southern Europe, a distinct hunter-gatherer genetic profile was found as early as 17ka in individuals associated with the Epigravettian culture15 (2412ka, from the Italian peninsula to the southeastern European Plain across the Balkans). I help students become independent data scientists who are not just good at data analysis, but are also able to think about their own learning and the world around them. The generation time is set to 29 years and the error bars show the SE of the admixture date estimated from jackknife resampling (n=22 autosomal chromosomes). Within Sicily, the 14ka Oriente C individual shows higher affinity with the much younger but geographically closer 10ka Uzzo group30 (n=2) than with the almost contemporaneous San Teodoro 2 individual from eastern Sicily. From around 8ka, we begin to observe admixture events with Sidelkino ancestry in central Europe. In the MDS plot (Fig. This genetic signature is shared among individuals associated with the archaeologically defined Gravettian culture (3326ka) in central and southern Europe and seemingly disappeared after the Last Glacial Maximum4 (LGM). Our knowledge of the genetic relatedness and structure of ancient hunter-gatherers is however limited, owing to the scarceness . My name is Tina and I'm a data scientist and YouTuber. Remember, its the problem that defines the tools we use! The neighbour-joining tree was then reconstructed using the neighbour-joining method implemented in Ape 5.3 package104 of R 3.5.1. Christina Yu-Ting Wang - Design Team Lead - TomTom | LinkedIn Here we analyse 356 ancient hunter-gatherer genomes, including new genomic data for 116 individuals from 14 countries in western and central Eurasia, spanning between 35,000 and 5,000 years ago. . & Hlie, J. F. Temperature and precipitation regime in LGM human refugia of southwestern Europe inferred from 13C and 18O of large mammal remains. This suggests a very small recent effective population size, estimated to be in the order of around 70 individuals (Supplementary Table 2), causing the low genetic diversity in Sicilian Epigravettian hunter-gatherers. Then pseudo-haploid genotypes were called using pileupCaller ( under random haploid calling mode.
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