Egypt is often divided into two sections . Late actress Gloria Swanson slept with a miniature pyramid under her pillow because it made every cell in her body tingle., Egypts Health Ministry banned female circumcision (when a, The first mummy is, according to legend, Osiris who was murdered by Seth. Has the head of an ibis, often with a moon crescent. While desert landscapes likely come to mind when you think of Egypt, you might be surprised to learn that some of the best beaches in the world are located on the countrys Sinai Peninsula, particularly in the southern area of the peninsula. With over 1.6 billion Muslims around the world, Islam is the second most popular religion. Egyptian, The scarab beetle was sacred to the Egyptians and represented life after, Hippos were considered bad omens and were associated with the evil. Egypt is filled with ancient pyramids and ancient mysteries. A priest often wore the jackal-headed mask of the, The Copts are the largest Christian community in Egypt and in the Middle East. In ancient Egypt, concrete, high-heeled shoes, scallops, soap and even tooth powder were invented. The wooden toe belonged to an ancient Egyptian woman at around 1000 B.C. It is said that even female Pharaohs wore these fake beards! They believed that by preserving a dead person's body their soul would live on in the afterlife forever. The ancient Egyptians were the first people to have a year consisting of 365 days divided into 12 months. For the ancient Egyptians, the Nile was mysterious. A popular tourist destination, the site is noted for its temples and palaces at Karnak and Luxor, and the necropolises of the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens. Source: UNESCO, 27. This fasting includes mainly vegan meals and excludes any meat, chicken, or dairy products, but this long period of fasting will lead to a very big and delicious meal . [20] Egyptians used vast amounts of linen to mummify a body. They made these cosmetics from plants and minerals found in their natural environment. Aswan high dam is the world's largest dam, built to contain the raging waters of the world's longest river, the Nile. Egyptian history is generally considered to have begun in 3200 B.C. Children are highly valued in Egypt, especially in rural areas where they help on family farms. The British wanted control of the. The renowned statue of liberty was intended to be installed in the land of the Pharaohs (Egypt). The first pharaoh of Egypt is considered to be King Menes, who united the Upper and Lower Kingdoms in 3150 B.C. If you book or buy something through these links, I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. The bread that Egyptians once ate was so hard and course that it chipped at the teeth to the point of wearing them down. However, no one knows the reason behind that conclusion. 91% of Egyptian women aged between 15 and 49 years have undergone female genital mutilation. 8) Cats were considered sacred animals by the Ancient Egyptians. 4. Cleopatra was not actually Egyptian. He is now stored in an antibacterial case. 41. and took more than 20 years to build. Did Cleopatra really die from a snake bite? The sections are named this way because the Nile flows from south to north. Although born in Alexandria, she was of Greek lineage. The Greeks who sometimes left unwanted infants (most often girls) outdoors to die, were shocked to discover that the Egyptians did not. The population of Egypt was 94,798,827 according to a 2017 census. Known for building the world-famous pyramids and mummifying their dead, the Ancient Egyptian empire offered a more advanced form of living and a new way of life for thousands of people. 21. 40. 11Papapostolou, Anastasios. He became king when he was just six years old. Source: Guinness World Records, 11. Vietnam. 15. With over 95.5 million inhabitants as of 2019, Egypt is the most populous country in the Arab world and the third-most populous in Africa. Name: Arab Republic of Egypt. In Africa, Egypt uses more natural gas and oil than any other country. Mosque in Egypt: Rraheb, Dreamstime. Spectacular in both its beauty and history, Ethiopia is truly a unique African country. Egypts most valuable resources are oil and gas, which are exported to other countries. All other photographs and illustrations: Getty Images UK, By entering your email address you agree to our. The river empties into the Mediterranean Sea, on the countrys north coast. There were three female pharaohs, of whom the greatest was Hatshepsut (reigned 1498-1483 B.C.). Mummification and stone coffins were reserved for the very rich or for royalty. There are more than 700 symbols in this ancient language that was once used to document history and communicate. He became Egypts king when he was only 6 years old. 2. The mystery of the Sphynx's missing nose! The clear waters of the Red Sea make it one of the best scuba diving destinations on earth. 2. Do you know any Egyptian fun facts? The famous Great Pyramid at Giza was built as a burial place for King Khufu (2589-2566 B.C.) God of disorder, deserts, storms, and war. Source: Jorge Lscar/Flickr. Of all the Arab countries, Egypt is the only one that has a movie industry. Egypt (along with other countries in the region) has gone to war with Israel several times since 1948 in what has become known as the Arab-Israeli wars. Ask your parents to check out Nat Geo Kids magazine! They traded with their neighbours and learned to sail boats. In ancient Egypt, people would shave their eyebrows as a sign of mourning when their cats passed away. She is an expert in travel, budgeting, and finding unique experiences. The oldest prosthetic limb in the world was discovered in Egypt. Youve likely seen depictions of Pharaohs in books or on television, but have you ever wondered what the significance of the Cobra on their crown is? Start with these 67 fun facts about Egypt. We do this to improve browsing experience and to show personalised ads. Egyptian hieroglyphs are complicated! She is the color of plants and Nile mud. Photo by Steffen Gundermann. The Giza pyramids are just some of the oldest pyramids in the world. The Nile is the second-longest river on earth, running 4,100 miles from Uganda to the Mediterranean Sea. Egypt is the most visited country in Africa receiving over 13 million tourists a year. Source:UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), 29. The UNESCO-listed Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) in Egypt is home to the fossil remains of the earliest, and now extinct, species of whale. 5. Most of the Land in Egypt Is Unused. 20. With more than 120,000 ancient artifacts, The Egyptian Museum is a must on any trip to Cairo. Source: UNESCO, 18. 53. When Angelina Jolie was cast as Cleopatra in the 2011 movie, many erroneously argued that the role should have gone to an African American. 21. Children are also expected to look after their parents in their old age. Of course, we now know that the flooding is caused by heavy rains and melting snow. Both men and women wore makeup. The prominent ancient Egyptian pharaoh, Tutankhamun, was only eight or nine when he became ruler of his country; it had been estimated that he ruled from 1333 BC to 1324 BC. Cairo, which also has the greatest population, is the country's . The Ancient Egyptian religion has over 14,000 gods and goddesses. Niger is the top on the list, with a birth expectancy rate of 7.6 children for every woman. Welcome to the lovely and beautiful country of Egypt! 32. Egypt is a country located in North Africa bordering Israel, Libya, Sudan and the Palestinian territory of Gaza. The population of Egypt is massive. Trending 40 Interesting and Surprising Bolivia Facts . You're leaving our kids' pages to visit a page for grown-ups! Most Egyptian traditions and festivals trace their origin back to the time of pharaohs. Tourism is a major economic activity in Egypt, accounting for about 12% of the country's workforce. Egypt has a horizontally striped red, white and black flag with a gold hawk in the centre. The most famous fully intact surviving ancient Egyptian ship is the ' Khufu Ship ', found sealed in the Pyramid of Giza. Built across the Nile River, the dam is 328 feet tall and 2.1 miles long and was instrumental in preventing flooding and providing quality drinking water. 42. April 6, 2011. Another fascinating fact about the pyramids is that there exists an intricate web of passages, shafts, and chambers within, and underneath, the pyramids at Giza. For this reason, Egyptian farmers annually use over a million tonnes of artificial fertilizer. General Editor. For twenty years, one hundred thousand people worked on the Great Pyramids structure for three months of each year during the Niles annual flood when it was impossible to farm the land and most of the population was unemployed. Egypts population is growing rapidly. The Egyptian flag also features the eagle of Saladin, inspired by ancient Egyptian texts written all over temples to signify dignity and pride. It ranks higher than Iraq and Saudi Arabia which ranks 2nd and 3rd respectively. Egypt is the 15th country with the highest population in the world, with 99% of the country's people living on just 5.5% of the land. These cookies allow us to target other information on our website, like advertising, towards your interests. Geb, the Goddess of the Earth. Egypt. Its thought that most families kept a cat as a pet, which they believed would bring the household good luck! Located at Giza, the Pyramid of Khufu is the largest Pyramid in Egypt. Tourism is a major economic activity in Egypt, accounting for about 12% of the country's workforce. In contrast to Englishs 26 letters, there are more than 700 different Egyptian hieroglyphs. 62. Some astonishing facts about the geography of Egypt are: Egypt is generally divided into two sections; Lower Egypt is the northern part, and Upper Egypt is the southern part. Since the early 1800s, cotton has been famously harvested in Egypt and what a fine cotton it is! Cairo is the most populated city in Egypt and it's also the capital city. 50. Swaziland may be small, but it boasts an impressive array of adventure and culture. Seth, the God of the Desert. In ancient times, Egyptians believed in more than 2,000 gods because they had one for everything. At least 118 pyramids were built by the pharaohs as royal tombs. Source: Reuters, National Geographic, 9. Required fields are marked *. Though Egypt is 90% desert, approximately 30% of their workforce is in agriculture. It dates back to around 30 B.C. Egypt is a great place for contrasts: splendid things gleam in the dust. Wife of Osiris; guardian and magician. They were thought to bring good luck. ), Egypt was called Kemet or Black Land, which referred to the dark, rich soil of the Nile Valley. 4) Both Egyptian men and women wore make-up. 6. If the Great Pyramid were chopped into 12-inch cubes, there would be enough cubes to circle the, Early pharaohs were buried with their real servants. Located on the northeast corner of Africa, Egypt is home to one of the world's earliest and greatest civilizations, with a unified kingdom first surfacing around 3,200 B.C. The vast majority of Egypt's dead were buried in simple pits in the desert. Summer, which is from May to October, is very hot. Besides Cairo, other major cities in Egypt are Alexandria and Giza. The ancient Egyptians were considered extremely powerful in all aspects, including government, arts, writing and religion. Get uplifting news, exclusive offers, inspiring stories and activities to help you and your family 10) The Ancient Egyptians invented lots of things we still use today, such as paper, pens, locks and keys and believe it or not toothpaste! when King Menes (also called Narmer) united the Upper and Lower Kingdoms. These kings built huge pyramids, temples and other impressive monuments. Id al Fitr is one of the biggest celebrations in Egypt. 21-25 Ancient Egypt Facts. Creator god; the patron of all craftsmen, including architects, artists, and sculptures. It was also called Deshret, or Red Land, which referred to Egypts vast deserts. From a mosaic of stunning and diverse landscapes to a vibrant history & culture, learn interesting Cameroon facts, surprising history, & fun trivia here. 1. It means great house because everyone believed the kings. There are so many places to visit in Egypt! 7. You can imagine there are so many interesting facts about Egypt to know. The first examples of it were flat and unleavened, most closely resembling what we know today as chapatis in India or tortillas in Latin America. 22 Hot Facts About Venus. This ancient language was used by Egyptians to write down their history and communicate, making it one of the earliest languages to be used. Fly swatters made from giraffe tails were a popular fashion item in ancient Egypt. 01 At its height, Ancient Egypt covered an estimated 1 million km of territory in North Africa and the Middle East. Often has the hieroglyph of her name on her head. Egypt is in the process of relocating its capital city 45km (28 miles) away from Cairo to a brand new purpose-built city. Egypt is famous for its ancient civilisation. Ancient Egypt facts for kids. 02 Modern Egypt covers an area of over 1 million km. Egypt is known for its oldest and longest history among the modern nations. The quality that ancient Egyptians valued most was called, Before an ancient Egyptian scribe wrote anything, he always poured out some water mixed with ink as an offering to the, Just 150 years ago, Americans and Europeans believed that, The word pharaoh began as a nickname for the Egyptian king. There are a lot of interesting facts surrounding the pyramids. The pyramid of Giza is among the seven wonders of both the ancient and the modern world. It was the first calendar known to have a year of 365 days, nearly equal to the solar year. During this period, the pharaohs had a number of majestic pyramids built. This incredible structure weighs as much as 16 Empire State buildings! A Great and Old Pyramid Great Pyramid of Giza is around 4,500 years old - one of the craziest facts about Egypt! 6Goldschmidt, Arthur, Jr. A Brief History of Egypt. The Greeks called Egyptian symbols hieroglyphs (, During the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, some, Ancient Egyptians called hieroglyphs MDW NTR, which means "speech of the, The ancient Egyptians used a picture of tadpole or immature. Later, model servants called, Pyramid Power or pyramidology refers to the belief that pyramids possess supernatural powers. Support us on Patreon: WATCH MORE FTD. Weve just returned from a fantastic few weeks in Egypt, and there is so much, Are you planning a trip to this Northern African country and wondering what to wear in Egypt? The country is ethnically homogeneous, with Egyptians comprising more than 99% of the population. The age of the hieroglyphs is about 5 thousand years. For example, during the Old Kingdom (2650-2134 B.C. Although I didnt find this one fun 91% of Egyptian women aged between 15 and 49 years have undergone female genital mutilation. i also wantd to thank you, it helped me for a preentation that i already have it. Isis conjures up headlines of terrorist attacks nowadays. It's common amongst travel review blogs to have some security reservations when it comes to visiting Egypt. 16. The formal name of Egypt is the Arab Republic of Egypt. Youd love our magazine! Winter, which is from November to April, is mild but still fairly warm with cool evenings. This is one of the most interesting facts about Egypt! During this time, the people fast during the day when the sun is up and break their fast when the sun sets and they can party, eat and drink. The Fertile Crescent covers a roughly crescent-shaped area of fertile land that includes parts of present-day Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Cyprus. Source: History Channel. 6) The Egyptian alphabet contained more than 700 hieroglyphs! Your email address will not be published. Other foods served on the meal include beans, couscous, rice, and fruits. Accessed: April 24, 2011. 1. Usually has the head of a dog or jackal. Sphinx and pyramid at Giza, Egypt: Javarman, Dreamstime. The official language is Modern Standard Arabic. It served a much different purpose in ancient times. 23. Very interesting. However, Isis was also the name of one of the most worshipped Egyptian gods. October 8, 1973. The shape of the Egyptian pyramids is said to have been inspired by the sun rays. The amount of income tax in Egypt is 25%. It measures almost 44 meters in length (143 feet). Over four million mummies with the shape of a stork-like bird (Ibis) have been unearthed by scientists in Egypt's Western Desert. Cairo's been an important asset to many different empires. As of July 2011, the population of Egypt was 82,079,663, making it the 15th most populated country in the world. White represents the 1952 revolution that ended the monarchy without a war, while black symbolizes the oppression of the Egyptian under the British rule. Ra, Osiris, Isis, Set, Horus, and Anubis are some of the most famous Egyptian gods. According to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, the king's soul ascended along the sun rays to the sun god. . Egypt only has two seasons, and they dont differ much. The river empties into the Mediterranean Sea, on the countrys north coast.Southern Egypts landscape contains low mountains and desert. Egypt's pyramids are the second largest on earth. 54. Cleopatra was born in 70 or 69 B.C. 9. If you'd like to learn more visit the about us page. Here you can . These Arab forces ruled Egypt for several centuries and founded the modern capital, Cairo.In 1882, the British invaded and occupied Egypt. Contrary to what most people believe, the largest pyramid in the world is not found in Egypt. The Sphinx and Great Pyramid of Egypt, Cairo, Egypt. Arabic is the official language of Egypt, and other languages known by some are English and French. The oldest pyramid is over 4600 years old. The Egyptians also draw many traditions from their religion (Islam). 4. Population: 100.4 million. 8. 1) Most Ancient Egyptian pyramids were built as tombs for pharaohs (rulers of Ancient Egypt) and their families. Serious Facts is the most reliable source for interesting facts for over 4 years in a row. Ramadan is a national celebration that runs for a whole month and is held annually. Later, it was known as Hwt-ka-Ptah or House of the Ka of Ptah. Ptah was one of Egypts earliest gods. The worlds oldest dress is from Egypt. Egypt was ruled by a Macedonian dynasty until 31 BC and then by the ensuing Roman, Byzantine, Arab and Ottoman empires. The population of Egypt is over 95 million people. Did you know that we have a FREE downloadable Ancient Egypt primary resource? The city of Cairo boasts varied cultures and social classes under a robust natural environment. It has an area of 1,001,450 square km. The oldest dress in the world comes from Egypt. 28. New York, NY: Infobase Publishing, 2010. This puts strain on Egypts resources, since most people live in a narrow strip of land along the Nile River. Dear admins, The official language of Egypt is Arabic but don't worry, many people also speak English and if you know French, it will go a long way in Egypt as well. Egypt is home to a wide variety of animals and plants, including jackals, gazelles, crocodiles, and cobras. (David Berkowitz / CC BY 2.0 ) Yup, I have affiliate links on this blog and there may be some in this amazing and completely free content below. Although a flooding river might sound like a living nightmare for most people, it was a welcome thing every year in September when the banks would overflow with the rich black soil needed for farming. Trending 40 Interesting South Korea Facts Overgrazing and/or. Hooked tools pulled the brain (which was always removed, along with the kidneys, liver, lungs, and heart) through the. The Egyptians also refer to their country as Misr, which can be used as a substitute name for Cairo. 2. One common parasite, the Guinea worm, would mature into a three-foot long worm inside the body and then painfully exit through the skin after a year. Work in Egypt. 60. 19. 41. It is 5,000 years old. Earlier in ancient Egyptian history, when a pharaoh died, it was common practice to have their live servants buried with them so they could continue to serve their master in the afterlife. It was used to predict when the Nile River would flood. A few millennia back, ancient Egypt was one of the richest and most powerful civilizations in the world. Egyptians once believed that the floods were caused by the tears of the goddess Isis when she mourned the death of her husband Osiris. 26. - Source. We use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. The Great Pyramids of Giza. The best places to see Egypts wildlife are in its 21 protected regions, which include oases, deserts, mountains, coastal areas, river islands and wetlands.Egyptians have always been close to the natural world. Ancient Egypts Fantastic and Weird History. The Telegraph. 48. 23 Surprising Facts About Spain. For 3000 years it was the breadbasket for much of the Mediterranean world. Here are some interesting Egypt facts which were chosen and researched by kids especially for kids. British monarch, Charles the II (1630-1685) would rub mummy dust on his skin, believing Greatness would rub off. 03 The Ancient Egyptians used either grain or copper or silver as currency. The Faces of Egypts Revolution 2.0. CNN. Sometimes the water in the Nile River was too dirty to drink safely. 2. The Egyptian pound is the main currency in Egypt. 34 Facts About London That Will Blow Your Mind! Egypt is a democratic republic, although some critics claim that it is not truly democratic. Although it is a popular notion that Napoleons troops shot off the, Scholars believe that ancient Egyptians were the first to sew wounds closed some 4,000 years ago. The average life expectancy is 72.66 years, with males living for about 70.07 years while the female range at 75.38 years. Looking for Egypt language facts? 3. You've probably seen images of some pyramids and the alphabet they used (hieroglyphs). When this happens, floods cover the rivers valleys, leaving sediments needed for trees, plants and crops to grow. We rounded up the most bizarre and interesting facts about Ancient Egypt that will answer all the questions you ever had about this incredible civilization and more. . Ancient Egyptian tomb builders had their own guarded villages. 14. in the north. Here are some fun facts about Ancient Egypt. In ancient Egypt, pigeon mail was widespread. 11. Want to call your family or friends in Egypt? Senet was the most popular game and was played for more than 2,000 years but there were also Mehen and Dogs and Jackals. Natasha is the co-founder of The World Pursuit. The tradition of exchanging wedding rings traces its origin back to ancient Egypt. Meet My Daughter Facebook: How One Egyptian Father Is Commemorating the Part the Social Network Played in Revolution. Daily Mail. View of Mohammad Ali Mosque, Cairo, Egypt. 31. Other exports include metals, textiles, livestock and chemical products. It signifies the Cobra Goddess and the legend is that she protects the Pharaoh by spitting fire at enemies. 1. Located in an ancient burial ground called Saqqara, the Step Pyramid is the oldest known pyramid in Egypt and was built around 2630 BC. There are many interesting facts about Cleopatra. Egypt is home to a wide variety of animals and plants, including cheetahs, hyenas, crocodiles and cobras. He is dressed in white and carried a crook and flail. Egypt is the 30th largest country in the world by area. To prepare someone for this next step, they employed a very complex process to preserve and prepare the body so that the soul would move smoothly into the next life. The ancient Egyptians mummified both human beings and animals as they believed it would allow the dead to pass safely into the afterlife. Pharaoh Pepi II (2246-2152 B.C.)
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